Anonymous ID: 82797a Nov. 22, 2018, 8:09 p.m. No.4001339   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"What’s in a name?

That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet".


What's in a name?

Those that are called Anon by any other name would be as resolute.


What one is called by others doesn't matter so much. Hold fast to what one IS. That "is", for many here, is being able to see. See through the lies that others tell. See through the lies weakness tempts ones self with. See into that self, and be able to appreciate, understand, and nurture…


This anon imagines it thusly; Some waters are cloudy, murky and dark, while others are crystal, clear and bright. Cabal programming is largly an agent of cloudy, murky darkness in the mind. Critical thought, striving to rid the mind of logical fallicies gives agency to a crystal, clear and bright mind. When one can't see into the water one is submerged within every bump and brush felt can trigger panic. When one can see clear to the white limestone sand bottom 120 ft down, well, there are no surprises. Just exploration.


This anon imagines it thusly; One is 130 ft tall, standing in 120 ft of water, observing the distance, or examining the goings on within the mind beneath the surface. The mind, in this, is a biome. An environment for ideas to live within. With a crystal, clear and bright mind, one can go anywhere in that vast ocean, the subconscous, to appreciate, understand, and nurture. Some things boring, but vital. Other things beautiful, important for that alone. All of it available, one just has to go there in mind.


When one tends to the oceanic garden of ideas that is the mind, outside poison/influence/confusion is easy to spot. When one tends after ones integrity with a fierce devotion to self honesty, the right thing is all too plain to see. How can one not do the right thing when one sees it? Regardless of cost. What does one call another that perseveres in spite of incredible adversity?


An Hero. Not that one could tell that based on the Cabalist definitions they give to the word/concept. They've been trying to abort even the IDEA of an hero. Shit, "try hard" is a pejorative with the sheep. How they must have hated Arete. That ancient Greek idea of pursuing life with an eye always on excellence. Striving to be everything that one is cabable of. Yeah, they don't like that much.


One might suggest that we need much more of that in the world. One might even suggest that we need more heroes. Why not be ones OWN hero? Be the hero of ones own story? Pursue what is right, with excellence as a parralel goal, regardless of cost, in spite of incredible adversity…


Sounds a bit like the anons. With the shills/clowns/etc. playing the role of anti-hero. Hats off to the anti-heroes. They are manning the guns even as the ship goes down (it's never too late to do the right thing). Be ones own hero. I think FLOTUS nails it with, "be Best".


Being able to see gives challange and purpose to life. Anons have embraced this, and put it to work. This is why the community was chosen to help free us all. A blessing or a curse, being unable to look away from the lies is the point.


Our founding fathers did not turn away either. Patriots looked at this long list of wrongs and stood firm, resolute, in their resistance to them. They were ignored (and in turn ignored the cries of the tyrants).They were mocked (and mocked in return, but with panache). They were fought (and they fought, with more honor, character and resolve), and then they won.


Good wins. The founders would have had a chuckle at the antics of Pepe. Yankee Doodle anyone? Americans are from stellar shitposting stock. Making fun of liars, cheats and tyrants is in our DNA. More and more Americans are awakening to that spirit everyday.


(Dems(Establishment(Cabal))) should know that there is no escape. Too many are awake. Too many see. There is no going back.



are myhero.


What's in a name, My'Anon? Be Best.


Free America.

Free the World.


We have much to be thankful for, Patriots.
