>>4001183 (LB)
Could be something… could be nothing….
Digging more on Jose Peralta. Found his 2015 "Report to Constituents".
sauce: http://www.nyscommissiononcompensation.org/pdf/SenatorPeraltaReportToConstituents2016-1.pdf
…I’m also proud to tell you that I have introduced over 80 bills to advance the interests of our community in Albany, some of which include:
Increasing Organ Donation Activity:
Queens has the lowest rate of per capita registered organ donors in the State of New York, at just 11% of eligible residents. This is in addition to the fact that New York State ranks dead last in the whole country on this figure, at just 25% of eligible residents. The national average exceeds fifty percent. In response, I’ve introduced a bill to allow New Yorkers to register as organ donors on a wide range of State forms, including annual tax returns that are filed every year, as well as applications for professional licenses, such as teaching certificates and applications to practice law and medicine. I’ve also introduced legislation to allow undocumented New Yorkers to give and receive kidney transplants as part of the State’s Medicaid system. Currently, Medicaid will only pay for weekly dialysis appointments for undocumented persons who are suffering from renal failure. Covering transplants makes plain sense from a moral standpoint, as well as a cost savings of hundreds of thousands of dollars for each patient for New York State.
Here are the headlines that he offers as proof:
EXCLUSIVE: State senator wants to increase organ donations in New York
sauce: https://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/exclusive-senator-increase-organ-donations-ny-article-1.2313506
Peralta urges Queens residents to donate organs
sauce: https://www.timesledger.com/stories/2015/40/donorday_2015_10_02_q.html
Peralta’s Bill To Extend Organ Transplantation
sauce: http://www.qgazette.com/news/2015-10-14/Features/Peraltas_Bill_To_Extend_Organ_Transplantation.html
Undocumented Immigrants Could Get Kidney Transplants Under New Bill
sauce: https://www.dnainfo.com/new-york/20151007/jackson-heights/undocumented-immigrants-could-get-kidney-transplants-under-new-bill/