Your red text is faggot.
Shit or get off the fucking pot.
That didn't last long, KEK!
No more you's for you.
An 'alien invasion' will mark the beginning of the end.
I just want my own personal anti-gravity vehicle and for big tech/government to leave me the fuck alone and let me live my life.
Fuck it, let me get a FTL craft & allow me to go explore the cosmos.
Thanks anon.
Me too.
Full disclosure about Antarctica is one of the major things I want to see happen. So much fuckery/secrecy there.
We know there's huge chunks of land mass that were flash frozen with wildlife, etc..all preserved.
Then Mr. Adm. Byrd.
I think it's funny how it's known that all gov't branches are corrupt by foundation yet people believe wholeheartedly in the illuminati/freemason NASA, kek.
I don't know what exactly they're hiding, but it's something.
Pretty crazy. Again, not sure of the what's being hidden from us but I just want answers.
We The People deserve them.
Off to bed, night Anons.
>All we know to be right is wrong.