I'm in a sleep typing Turkey coma.
I love elastic pants
I'm in a sleep typing Turkey coma.
I love elastic pants
KILL_BOX[1A-23x] = 11 23 (x)= 24 11/23 11//24
We are looking at not only one date here but 2.
Light_T_1A -23-(go5) = 11/23 going until Dec 5th
Idk but makes sense with Anons post.
I hold this information in my brain filing cabinet.
I do not trust that we have everything figured out
when it comes to time lines, but lets be honest,
we have become better at going over the drops
and trying to figure them out and understand we have fucked up soooo many times on dates. We over looked the fact nothing was meant to be easy and in the open.
We know for sure now the ones Q gives us straight out were never meant for that day in that year.
Since these are all dates from a cross many drops that were not directly given to us as dates … I find them to be more reasonable.
Because they were hidden and not easily understandable , just as it was always meant to be.
I feel the time we have all been waiting for is about to happen. The start.