When I read about Snow Peas and Julienne Carrots,
I thought I would search the QResearch archive to see
If Julienne had been mentioned before here:
I was surprised to find only ONE post. This is it:
More about pickles. They are a FERMENTED FOOD that was originally created by packing them in salt so that the juices would come out and naturally acid forming bacteria would convert sugars to acids and preserve the food. The salt and then acid environment was hostile to the microorganisms that cause food to spoil.
The same process is used to make Kimchi in the far east, and Sauerkraut in Germany, and a certain salad that I saw for sale in the markets in the Bashkir area of Western Siberia in Russia which was like a sauerkraut with 50% carrots grated longitudinally into long julienne like strips.
All the peoples that use this technique of food preparation are Altaic speaking. Korean is an Altaic language distant from the core Turkic and Finnic languages but still recognizably related. The Bashkir speak a Turkic language. German was a creole type language that developed as the lingua franca of the Turkic Khazar empire. A lot of Iranian peoples and Slavs lived with them, and when the Turks tried to speak a more Iranian language it came out as German. And we know the Jewish connection to the Khazar empire and it is no coincidence that Jews eat a lot of pickles.
But Slavs and Central Asians do something that Jews do not. They make a fermented cream called Smetana or Sour Cream and put that in their meat soups or on meat dishes. The kosher Jews could not do that, so they invented a sour cream substitute. Mayonnaise is made from oil, vinegar and egg all whipped up into a creamy consistency. And this was invented at the end of the Jewish Silk Road which terminated in the Rhรยดne River valley where these Jewish Rhadanites had their seat of power.