Wasn't it 11.(point)3 and 11.4?
Periods/dots count as "one" and inserted in numbers like this seem to imply more math breakdown is suggested.
"11" ".11." (.11. = 2&2 = 22nd) "18." (28 and/or 19). ←other variations on whole thing possible, of course. America "unified" again around Thanksgiving dinner? There WAS A PARADE YESTERDAY!
Or might not truly be national cohesiveness until 2019, anons. Rome wasn't built in a day. Neither was this cabal. Taking them down without destroying the country doesn't happen in a day either. But maybe not late 19…
11.11.18. has a LOT of potential variations.
"11." could be "12", leaving two ones, two dots (which is two more ones for a total of 4) and an 18
12/4/18 See how that could work?