Seriously I hope you consider the children that browse here fuckwit
You're a piece of shit on par with Q's enemies.
Did you watch the video he is linking faggot?
nup, I have been here since thread one on halfchan, you crossed the line into complete fuckwit territory, you are the problem with this world
just someone with some sense of decency that factors in how many people are here, the girls are one thing, the shit he is posting is precisely what Q's enemies push on our people. Wake the fuck up.
Not an argument brainlet, fuck off with your Jew shit
Point out that your a degenerate that is brainwashed by the very enemies we are here to fight? Idiot.
ahhhhh of course, now you expose yourself. I understand what I am dealing with, makes a lot of sense.
fuck off beaner degenerate, do you even comprehend who we are fighting and what they push?
>notes that the NWO kike supremacists push hyper degenerate porn on the West
>gets called a puritan
Curious. What exactly are you here for?