Have you forgotten that the Dalai Llama received over $1 million in "donations" from Keith Raniere of Nxium infamy.
>could this be Anderson Cooper himself?
What a brilliant idea; reruns of past digs!
I have a great idea. Let's all go back to the first Q post and start digging everything all over again.
Look at the time stamp.
Do you think this has remained unposted on the boards since Papa D posted it?
Yeah, I guess I was just dreaming that I identified who Erika T was before I even went to bed, homo.
I need to step away from the boards for a bit; the first thing I read in that was Lilith.
That is fair enough because everyone all around the world have an unshakeable trust in their governments.
I actually celebrated my 21st in a hall rented from the oddfellows in another country.
I thought the name odd at the time and it has stuck with me ever since.
I did a quick on oddfellows, but have not found anything noteworthy to date.
Have you?
That is what anons infer, yes.