Anonymous ID: 27097a Nov. 23, 2018, 8:21 a.m. No.4004642   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This is likely out of the stream of concerns this morning.

Last night no way I could finish it.

So have to post it here perhaps out of context.


>>4001022 pb

The dude never raised enough money.

I'll try to remember the website.

Was around for years.

FB?; He was over there claiming, [of course], that his experiment would be the only way to prove it.. one way or another.

Shills originally tried to fake-out the fence sitters with footage of a land based jet hitting a wall. Of course the jet did not disappear into the wall before it exploded, as shown on the 9/11 "cartoon," but it dustified upon impact with the re-enforced wall which is not the same thing.

The shills got a lot of mileage on it though.

So the demonstration did not prove the point they were trying for, but APPARENTLY [who knows how many compatriots were there among the cons?, and the researchers #'s were minuscule in number.] the cons were able to con the fence-sitters with that lame "refutation" Either that or there were just more shills claiming them demo convinced them.

The "We must have more evidence since it's not already proved" [which will go on infinitely - they used it with JFK claiming for 50 years "No smoking gun"]

is Another version of the "Dr." Steven Jones BS.

"We need to prove evidence - thermite, in order to prove it wasn't planes [which destroyed the Towers]" [right after he proved just that, many times over, in his long physics paper.]

"Or else"

they threaten,

no one will believe it,

it won't be "scientific"

blah blah blah

and it won't be proved otherwise - so they claim[ed].

Unconfidence Sheeps believe it when told "No one will believe you unless…" and then try to jump through endless hoops without ever getting their questioners to concede.

This is why it is such a brilliant Coup for "Q" to enhance our confidence. The criminals have worked overtime and very hard to make us believe we are "nothing"

And you can see them at work daily on this board.

Without confidence you will have no anchor for your perceptions, you will think others are right and you are wrong. No matter if it's the other way around.


This was the GREAT DEED of "Q"

"Conspiracy theorist no longer"

"2nd in line after POTUS in mainstream attack"


"Gold Star Researchers"

"Together you are strong"

"Never give up"

"You have it all"


Dr. Jones, "reputable" shill of the first order, also f-ed up free energy research?, or so it is said in a long video on the subject.

Steven E. Jones appears to be such a sweet old man.

So people who question him are made to look like that bad guys.

The people on this board being such "assholes"?

Nice = Foolish sometimes, doesn't it?

Think of President Trump? They all think he is "mean"

But he just tells them the truth.

Comey is so nice and genteel?

Feeding the suckers poison.

Look beyond Nice vs. Mean , those are superficially cultural niceties which tricksters use to deceive people who truly are the "nice" ones.