Fishing boats go “over the line” all the time. When Canada took the USA to World Court and took the Nor’east corner of Georges Bank away from us the craziest things were going on out there. I could write a book about things like being chased by the Canadian Coast Gaurd.
Things like them using a water cannon on us trying to put out the main engine by flooding the stack while weblocked the stream with matresses from our racks.
Zodiacs with armed men all around us trying to board us. Jumping the rips and running this way and that to get away from the 300 foots cutters that trying to seize us because they claimed we were 100 yards over some imaginary line 150 miles offshore. They even modified an old whaling cannon to fire a ball and hauser to foul the wheel and rudder. (they quickly realized this was a really, really bad idea and only tried it a couple of times. No, they will NEVER admit it).
I could go on and on but you get the idea.
Don’t get twisted too quickly over a fishing boat, they drift over the line all the time for one resson or another.
See what develops…..just sayin.