If the "saudis" could kill more wapo "journalists" that would be great
Do some dem leaders while hou are at it
If the "saudis" could kill more wapo "journalists" that would be great
Do some dem leaders while hou are at it
Shh anon the economy is doing great
Goldman sachs and the jews are laughing their way to,the bank
The niggers wont ever not vote for them so why would they care
They just come here to make fun of us lmao
Qs attention whoring,destroyed any digging,this board had done a long while ago
The jews won yet again
Pol was a threat
Q comea and promises us the world
Yeah fuck you Q you have proved to me that i was wrong to not hate niggers spics and jews
Pol was literally 100% right
Deep state is a political correct term for jews and the vatican