we now LARP on how cool it is to have the Senate after being slaughtered at the House
Don't give a shit. We need arrests. Else everything will fail. It has to start somewhere.
>muh shills
>muh clowns
you do realize this board is no longer a threat, don't you
tell me anon: what is it that qresearch concretely accomplished that made an observable difference in the swamp draining process? Something normie-reaching, no bullshit. I'll wait.
you look like a disarmed cultist praying for divine intervention as the enemy storms through the door
seems to me the confident assertions come from those with unwavering faith that Deep State's dismantlement is just around the corner and that patriots are absolutely in control, despite all evidence pointing out at the contrary
I don't deny the successes of the DOJ in reining in child trafficking and drug trafficking. A number of low-level operatives have been fired in many places. But public takedown is all that matters and the administration's consistent inability to take a few high placed scalps is destroying the troops' morale and projecting weakness. Either it changes or we are going to lose in 2020.
Come on now, Q.
Show your sorry ass around here and do what is right. Enough bullshit. Enough peddling false hopes to loyal patriots. Fucking commit, for once.
All this winning
Tom Fitton loses his mind in front of the overwhelming evidence that the DOJ and the Deep State still run for Hillary Clinton
Comey will resist subpoena unless audience is public
no he won't
why? because fuck you, that's why
Comey has allies who are more powerful than people nominally in power
so he feels strong
just like Hillary feels strong enough to work on her presidential stature for 2020
which begs the question
well I'm with you on this anon
but are our friends in the administration down with that? can they enforce?
>Accusations of past crimes is harder to prosecute in a final and unmitigated way without current evidence to show a pattern of intent.
aka: we are powerless, unable to get to them, and our enemies know it
yes, I know, thanks anon
my thoughts exactly
midterms was the final curtain
I do believe Q can do one useful thing tho
that is, acknowledge his powerlessness and all the bullshit he perhaps believed in himself
and free the patriots around here from the burden of false hope
that would be the right thing to do
No, we are here because of the patriots roaming around and the good energy in the place. I am of the opinion that Q owes an explanation to all the people the administration is currently failing and needs to free the patriots from useless digs on crumbs so they are free to redirect their commitment somewhere actually useful.
The fight is now about saving the resources this place has allowed to generate.
No, moron, I'm not saying that. The fight hasn't actually even begun. But Q is evidently unable to follow through on his promises and he has to free anons from that Desert of the Tartars situation.
Aping Q's style isn't doing anything on the actual frontline.
Again, I am all in favor of anons organizing themselves and digging useful information.
But letting them believe that something huge is about to happen when evidently the Trump admin can't deliver is not only counter-productive, it is plainly wrong.
oh yes of course, plausible deniability
we're all stupid fucks who built up unreasonable expectations on our own
Q is holy, how could he bear responsibility, the poor thing
you're the fag here
we're running circles
it has to stop
>muh shill
>muh traitor
you sound like a cultist
high profile public arrests or we lose in 2020
tick tock
less than 2 years left now
>Patriots are here because we have a job to do
Do we, now?
Could you define that job?
What is the mission statement?
How do you measure success?
What is the real-world impact of the digs you have made over the last months, anon?
How does that work secure the key targets? Arrest of high profile criminals, walls, securing the reelection?
I say, a lot of people here are running around like headless chicken. So yes, I do have an opinion, and I am sharing it, in full awareness of the flak it will cost me with the True Believers. But outcomes are more important, and currently they are not present.
Which begs, again, the question of this board's efficiency - and that of its instigator.
sure, smartass, everything happening in the shadows while normies are radicalized against the Trump admin works so well for us
we sure showed them in the midterms
No the digging is supposed to make the findings on the criminal activities look like grassroots work, and have the word spread by social media so that arrests actually occur by popular demand
that's clever in theory
but culture eats strategy for breakfast
and culture says, Trump admin's strategy is failing because we are too confidential and censored everywhere it matters to be able to spread some really damaging information to millions of normies
the swamp has been successful at cutting supply lines through their grip on culture
that's why clever plans don't work
that's why arrests need to happen regardless, even if a few of them fail to be successfully prosecuted due to corrupt judges and officials
it will show the administration's ability to strike
currently it doesn't exist, so Trump is projecting weakness, and his enemies are emboldened and keep reaching further
Come over here and tell me I'm wrong, Q