I live on the US side a few minutes from the invasion hoard sitting in Tijuana. You can see the fence with binos on a clear day.
My wifes sister and her family live on the other side of the Estuary, a literal 12min walk from the beach hoard (where all the filming is going on). When they would hop over beach side of fence, they pass right by her house and straight into town, doing whatever they wanted to whoever they wanted.
Not anymore…
Thank God POTUS had the new razor wire put up. It is hugely helpful. As is the troops and other things you dont see.
Ironically my sister in law is one of liberals that thinks we should just "share everything with the under privileged". Ironically, her family would be the first ones impacted if they got in. I made it clear what they would do to her and the kids. It made for an interesting Thanksgiving conversation (still lover her, just still asleep).
@POTUS on behalf of the grateful folks in CA I just wanted to thank you for taking such a firm stand at the border. I also wanted to thank you on behalf of those that dont realize that you are protecting them, from themselves (like my sister in law).
Most dont realize how real this situation is down here. some of do, and were not all crazy in CA. So thank you Mr President. It is greatly appreciated.