Good morning baker
(or aftn/eve, as the case may be).
Ty for baking for us.
By all means, keep going if you're game.
I'm just having coffee, getting settled in.
Can bake or assist if needed,
otherwise happy lurking.
Good morning baker
(or aftn/eve, as the case may be).
Ty for baking for us.
By all means, keep going if you're game.
I'm just having coffee, getting settled in.
Can bake or assist if needed,
otherwise happy lurking.
Thanks anon, we're just happy to help where we can. I've been a regular baker for months and even I have trouble with pace when breads are fast. Sometimes there's just not enough time to vet everything, which means either some worthy posts get left out the first go-round, or unworthy ones go in when they shouldn't.
>how can I help?
Anons can definitely help bakers. We can't really do it without your help actually.
>Reply with NOTABLE when I see one with maybe additional sauce?
Yes, calling notable and making sure a post is sauced are the two main things you can do to help. But the best posts have all of the following, so providing whichever pieces are missing is even better:
1) Opening summary/title (often what baker uses when noting)
2) Context explaining relevance to Q and connecting dots to diggable leads
3) Screencap images of relevant persons/places/things or text
4) URL link saucing info in post
5) If the original post was a rando twatter/blog (anyone who's not an official/accountable spokesperson) making factual claims, make sure those claims are sauced in the twatter/blog. If they aren't, find & include it.
Additionally, you can help baker by calling out what should NOT be included in notes:
1) Read all prev. notables so you can call attention to repeats
2) You can also CTRL-F key words in notables archives to see whether something was previously noted
(At the bottom of every Notables post top of bread: Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536)
3) Things nominated which contain no sauce or weak sauce that baker grabs anyway in a hurry
4) OpEd or Speculation posts which offer no new insights—we try to set the bar high for non-factual notables
5) nominations which offer only novelty or sentimental value. Keks sometimes notable but bar should be high
>I'm fine to keep going a while if you're happy lurking for now.
Excellent, glad to have you baker.
Just call out when you need relief or a hand.
Right on. Glad to hear that, thanks bigly anon.
We got folks workfagging, phonefagging, and lots of newbs. The more anons that have the time and attention to detail that can lead by example, the tighter ship we can run. (And shills despise a well-run operation–no cracks to exploit!)