Anonymous ID: a74962 Nov. 23, 2018, 8:38 a.m. No.4004774   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4940

Ok! Normie here. Been here since Feb/Mar. lurk a lot! One time NOTABLE.


1) About the Clock (love and shout out to the Clockfags!). I am an intuitive thinker. I love reading the Clock updates, here comes the but…..although there is much synergy as it is, I feel there is something amiss. Maybe last week or so there was some discussion about matching the Clock up with some computer programming (way out of my expertise) and thought that might work. But last night 3am or so Cali time I saw some posting about a Military Style Watch. Spousanon uses military time (I don’t) and it drives me crazy! I use a compass for a living and dabble in astrology/astronomy). It makes sense to me Q would more likely use Military time and/or wondering also if Clock should be combined possibly with compass or astrological chart

I am going to re-read crumbs and see if I can’t flush this out.


2) I do feel the dark forces of bots and shills but I’m just a normie! Reading the bit about British Intelligence this morning and how the work there sounded more like an advertising agency freaked me out a bit (not Concernfagging!) but what if we’re aiding the enemy?


Love you frens……(no homo)