yeah i have
and posted it
if you got something real to post spit it out
thats just a shitpost
yeah i have
and posted it
if you got something real to post spit it out
thats just a shitpost
capital markets are fine for companies to raise money and allow others to share in growth
like all things this hasb een corrupted into a rigged corrupt system
its ez to fix but corruption prevents
that is why it is the GA - or we are doomed
never got the clock
never complained about it either
it will go organically if it needs to
like all on the board
Alleged Sodom Site Thought to Have Been Hit by Cosmic Blast
then they say oh itwas a meteor! kek - this is soft disclosure again - this event described fully in the sumerian tablets and later in the bible with their own version
we are not alone and never have been
yes i did
markets were NOT always an illusion
they always included scams too that is why the got regulated (look up orgin of blue sky laws)
>What can we not live without at this level of civilization?
air water food and shelter
anon if you got a point spit it out
this is a shitpost
actually both "true" each in their own way
see sumerian tablets
we are not alone
and never have been
you dont understand
think of earth and all that is here in the same manner as old mcdonalds farm
lots goes on all controlled by the farmer
who are the farmers?
read the tablets