keeps going on and off screen. helo by SD, what's with all the T-44's?
just showed up @ 40 angels
are you like 5 years old? is this what a war means to you, Julian S?
waiting for Beanz et al to testify as well. Hi Tracy!
not a real planefag any real pf's lurking?, but things seem to be getting more "diverse": UK, Netherlands Canada, C17 from Colombia direction, and another CG helo by SF
again, like pot, if legal, you don't need illicit dealers / pimps. try again.
or is Nevada the human trafficking state?
lawfag my law ass.
yo, strawanon: no one is debating trafficking, conflating legal prostitution with unwilling participants is borderline imbecile.
no, you are not. Westboro Baptist not welcome here.
so 0 other states? do you have a point, fellow autist?
so you traffick when you buy your cousins? wtaf
you biblefags shitting the bread should go lurk more in your teacher's edition. hint: "concubine"
pointing out yet another Obama judge.
if u do not trust Nigel Farage, fkn lurk moar.
what my elightened normie frenz WILL agree w/me on, is that some C_A infiltration of the media may be possible - but glazed eyes when i point out that it only works if COMPLETE. looking at you, FOX
don't know. for a while last year i thought she was integral to Q. for all i know, she might be kek.
also: RAF now descending.
the IRS replaced liquor tax so that Prohibition could be 'experimented' with. domino too.
i filter less and less, but namefags / famewhores get it every single time. SOP for barnacles.
misspelled "CIA Director"