any of u anons digged that shit (pic) ? is it legit? Vortex math, credible or mumbo jumbo?
here u go m8
im bad at posting, sry newfagging, ill better be quiet and lurk some more, in meantime pls more vortexmath, free energy posts, but no new age bs plz
so propable/credible u say… FFS DECLAS F.E after FISA !!!
Sorry it just seems to me its only place that can confirm if Marko is onto something. I know i get excited too easly(newfagging). Forgive me anons for wasting the bread.:) ill keep quite.
The President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, was bitch slapping EU leaders, calling Hungarian PM 'dictator' in front of the press at the EU-Eastern Partnership summit in Latvia.