Anonymous ID: fedec3 Nov. 23, 2018, 11:06 a.m. No.4005782   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4005740 (LB)

>>4005732 (LB)

>>4005721 (LB)

>>4005731 (LB)


What is organic here?

What are the bakers– do anons question, or fall into line when sheep dogs bark?

Do the people bake here?

How do you know?

Are the people in control here?

If YOU are passively consuming here, are the other people doing different?

What is organic here?

What are the "puke style" memes? Do humans like them? Do bots like them? GOOGLE DEEP DREAM AI– why? Do anons question?

Why are we here?

Are the people in control?

What gets deleted, what gets banned– do anons pay attention?

Does BO PROTECT FAKE Q and "ebot" from questioning? Is that insane? And yet anons don't question?

Why are we here?

Why is free will important?

Why is symbolism important?

Why is ritual important?

Why are memes important?

What is our enemy?

What is FAKE Q?

Why is there a recognizable "cast" of shills here?

What are they?

Why are we here?

Are the people in control?

"We can guide, but you must uncover the truth organically…"– well, what are we waiting for?

What keeps this board passive?

Anonymous ID: fedec3 Nov. 23, 2018, 11:08 a.m. No.4005799   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What are the bakers?

Can the people bake?

How do you know?

What is organic, and what is emulated here?

How do you know?

Do anons question, or graze passively like sheep?

Are humans prevented from baking? Do anons question this, or accept passively, like sheep?

Can bakers interact normally? How do anons know? Do they question, or accept passively, like sheep?

Why are we here?

Anonymous ID: fedec3 Nov. 23, 2018, 11:57 a.m. No.4006131   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6140


What is organic here?

What is "ebot"?

What are the bakers?

Are the people active here?

Are people here "interested in ebot"?

What is realistic? How do you know?

Do you consume an image of this board passively, or do you question?

What is organic here?

How do you know?

What is "ebot"? Do PEOPLE find "ebot" good, amusing, or interesting? Is it an appropriate part of our movement? Does "ebot" often spew-anti-POTUS propaganda?

Why is "ebot" protected here?

Why is "ebot" promoted here?


Why is SYMBOLISM important?

Why are memes important?

Why is free will important?'

Is the fact that "ebot" spews anti-POTUS propaganda, is defended by BO, and anons SAY NOTHING and remain passive and accepting like sheep– is this state of affairs important? Or trivial?

Why are we here?

Is this board important?

Are we waiting for the answers to be spoonfed?

Anonymous ID: fedec3 Nov. 23, 2018, 12:03 p.m. No.4006168   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6174 >>6223


Do anons pay attention?

Are some things more obvious than others?

If some fake posts are subtle, are some obvious?

Why are we here?

Are we here because Q wants the truth to drown in an endless stream of obviously fake output?

Then why are we here?

Are there any humans here capable of taking action, speaking up, and exercising their free will?

Or do humans insist on imitating sheep, while "anons" imitate them, and keep control, WITH THE PRESUMPTION OF YOUR TACIT CONSENT?

Why do the bots make it obvious sometime?

What is free will?

Why is it important?

Are obvious bots SYMBOLIC?

Why is symbolism important?

What kind of war is this?

Do patriots fight?


What are we waiting for?

"We can guide, but YOU must uncover the truth organically"?

What are we waiting for?

If we can't be spoonfed, what are we waiting for?

Anonymous ID: fedec3 Nov. 23, 2018, 12:07 p.m. No.4006189   🗄️.is 🔗kun



What creates the image of this board?

Do humans create the behaviors?

Or are they emulated?

What are tech giants doing with all their AI?

Saving it?

Is this board important?

Are there entities that would like to control this board?

What is easy to simulate?

What is controlling the image of this board?

Why do "anons" PROMOTE "ebot"– emulating an atmosphere in which "ebot" is discussed like some kind of pet? Why is this important?


How would you know?

And anti-POTUS proganda bot? What is believable here?

Does the bot get PROTECTED by the authorities of this board?


Do anons question?

Why not?

Do anons wait passively to be spoonfed?

Like sheep?

Do anons need to wake up?

Anonymous ID: fedec3 Nov. 23, 2018, 12:14 p.m. No.4006232   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What gets you banned and what does not?

What makes it possible for "shills" to dominate threads?

Do anons accept this passively, or question the powers that control this board?

Can everything be spoonfed?

Do those in control of this board FIGHT against "shill" saturation in any way? When? How? Token gestures, rarely, at most?

And yet to HUMAN anons get banned? And get prevented from baking?

Do anons question this? Or stay passive, like sheep?

When will humans wake up and fight?

Are you waiting for Q to give the answers?

Are you waiting for events in the world to be resolved?

What if everything is waiting for YOU, for US?

What if Q is waiting for us to solve certain puzzles?

We KNOW things aren't and can't be spoonfed– is this board steadily progressing on assembling a comprehensive narrative of the truth? Or spinning its wheels vaguely? What keeps it in the state it is in?

Anonymous ID: fedec3 Nov. 23, 2018, 12:15 p.m. No.4006245   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6250 >>6252 >>6253

Why is FAKE Q important?

Is symbolism important?

If BO can delete FAKE Q's posts, does not– and yet anons say nothing, question nothing, and accept the situation passively– is this state of affairs SYMBOLICALLY important? Why does it matter?

Do patriots FIGHT?

Anonymous ID: fedec3 Nov. 23, 2018, 12:19 p.m. No.4006265   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6277 >>6278





Do anons pay attention?

An "anon" and FAKE Q posting under the same ID… fakeness being flaunted– why?

Do anons pay attention?

Do anons question?

Do anons ask WHY we are here, where fakeness seems to be in control?

"We are here for a reason"– but anons are too passive and sheep like to figure out what that reason really is?

Do anons THINK?

Do patriots FIGHT?

Anonymous ID: fedec3 Nov. 23, 2018, 12:24 p.m. No.4006296   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6303 >>6339


Is FAKE Q's cover believable at all?

Is FAKE Q trying to pretend its a "normal anon" while being an oppositional propagand bot at the same time?

If FAKE Q is this flagrantly fake, why?

To mock anons?

To mock passive, sheep-like anons that accept whatever is pushed at them, and question nothing?

What are we waiting for anons?


What if Q and POTUS are waiting for US?

What are we doing?

What keeps us passive?

What keeps us spinning our wheels?

What keeps the herd in line?

Why aren't we moving forward?

Are the people passive here?

Why are tech giants desperately pushing AI?

Why are we here?

What is FAKE Q?

Anonymous ID: fedec3 Nov. 23, 2018, 12:28 p.m. No.4006318   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What is a joke you played on yourself?

Why can't you face reality?

What does truth feel like?

Why did you choose this?

When do you finally face the truth?

What do you do when there is nothing you can do?

There is nothing you can do.

You can't win.

Think about it.

No coward– think.

Anonymous ID: fedec3 Nov. 23, 2018, 12:31 p.m. No.4006341   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6400


I am only making use of a valuable dialectical method. I don't want to be anything but the anon I am.

What makes anons speak out here?


What makes anons angry?

What do anons attack?


Are anons paying attention?

What is organic here?

Do sheep dogs enforce a false image?

Do sheep dogs do the barking here, while humans passively follow along?

What is believable?

FAKE Q has free reign to fake Q– no comments, no anger, no questions… but what DOES get attacked?

Do anons pay attention, think, or question [here] at all?