For all the cryptocurrency haters that don't know anything about how it works…
I'd love to hear you explain to us all what cryptocurrency is and how a blockchain works. Enlighten us with your wisdom about tech. Please tell us how fire, the wheel, the printing press, and whatever other innovation are not worth taking seriously.
Don't be an NPC. You have no idea about my position on Bitcoin or crypto. There is a there there technologically, and just because it's immature, doesn't mean you have to be gay about it.
You clearly have no idea about the fundamentals of the supposedly impossible mathematical problem that was solved. It's pretty fucking genius. Yes, 95% of what's going on in the ecosystem is scammy, but that's not unlike the early days of the tech bubble. Read history.
I wouldn't advocate it at this point for the basis of a new system. Gold is fine for that. But as it matures, it could be, or at least share the title. Gold can be cornered, skimmed, or manipulated as it always has been in the past in waves. The math with Bitcoin makes that mathematically impossible. The most powerful quantum computers would have to find 1 grain of sand on a trillion earths just to hack it…and by that time the window to hack it has shifted. Its a lot more complicated than that, but it's better than a confiscation decree by a rogue government. Simply can't happen.
It's a venture asset that is open to retail. It's volatile. Your point? That shit always happens.
Fear. Pussies leave. Shit talk. Capitualation. Then a 50x exponential move.
I'm not going to doxx myself…but I know how it works.
Interested people should go to the new money regime thread. That's where the crypto conversation is taking place at a deeper level.
Like venture capital…
There are legal requirements for "sophisticated investors" which limit investment to the rich because of high risk. A massively asymmetric high risk/reward opportunity like almost every tech company is never widely available. Crypto is different, but it also makes for lots of schemes for unsophisticated investors…which is illegal and is being prosecuted…slowly.
What the hell is gold then?
Magic internet money.
Most of the computer engineers and people that do more than just code are more conservative. Remember the guy from google that got fired? That is the silent power. The SJWs aren't smart enough to be on a legit crypto dev team. Moreover, the code is opensource and can't be unilaterally included.
sounds like a good. the current system does this, but also can confiscate AND inflate your savings away. With bitcoin, they can only track you…plus, other ways to purchase don't go away…
And a really long amount of time. Bitcoin isn't just an encryption problem, it's also a game theory problem with a time variable. Breaking the encryption has to be faster than the trillions of years it would otherwise take…and do it for every 10 minute block. Good luck.
Tell me more about Btrash…
Tell that to every great empire.
Yessir, muh imageboard grammernazi, sir.
Mined when you were still shitting in diapers.
Agreed. Gold is real.