Guys, I need help digging on this man and not sure what direction to go with this. Very surreal night last night after big Thanksgiving dinner of someone I know recently who moved in new upscale neighborhood.
I was at this gathering last night and was one (only guy) of several that stayed behind while my child played with the other children of the women there. I overheard two talking where one blurted out that 'They do fucked up things to children'. (I think it started with Celine Dion's latest venture). This immediately got the attention of everyone and thus began all the woman joining in the conversation (almost at once as women do). This one woman brought up Podesta and Pizzagate. The other's knew nothing of Pizzagate and I listened to her trying to explain to the others (her knowledge was very limited but did mention the emails we are all familiar with). They then started talking among themselves (it was like listening to several radiostations at once) while I sat off to the side in awe of what I was listening to. There was apparently one degree of separation of some of the women to some of the elite Deep State fuckers it seemed, one in particular. Then lo and behold, she mentioned Qanon but was pronouncing it something like 'Kanon'. When I realized what she was referring to i said, "you mean Q-anon?" "With a Q, yes!" she excitedly yelled. All other conversations ended and everyone looked at me. I thought to myself, 'what the fuck did I just do!' and asked her 'what about it?'. She said he apparently hates him. Who I asked. Michael J. Stratton she said. They all know him and a few immediately showed me him on their phone (pic related).
I then got a quick family breakdown and of one in particular (not blood related) family member (young beautiful girl) who this one woman keeps in contact with (worried about her) that is completely cut out/disowned of the millions this guy is worth. She said she knows something that she witnessed and possibly experienced when she was very young (all i got about her,besides her showing me her instagram page). She works in fast food and they are worried that she might start stripping or worse.
I spent about an hour talking about the deepstate, cabal, mockingbird media ("That's why they HATE TRUMP!" they said a few times like they had an epiphany), and all over the place on these topics. "So what is Q" it keep coming to in the conversation, and realizing I was sitting next to a massive smart TV and put it to youtube and played Q-plan to save the world, then the mocking bird one. I'll never forget the look on their faces as things were winding down after and most left but this woman and her fried kept talking about this Stratton guy, his new wife, lifestyle and how close he is to the Clintons and that group of people and saying how something isn't right and seems….'Evil?" I said.."Yes!" they responded. Every day he is on a plane somewhere in the world they told me, second most traveled they told me. His sexual pref? (yes, they went there..) Very young flat chested blond girls with no womanly curves. They said the times they see him at social events, he is constantly repeating himself, like he programs himself what to say at social gatherings 'like a broken record (they said his wife says same thing, like a robot). His wife, recently married, was a stripper he met in Manhattan Sapphire club and promised her an elite social life where she can fuck anyone she wants (and does) provided she provides him certain 'things' (ray chandler, Epstein come to mind?)
Looking at that page they showed me, Ron Brown gave me a WTF! moment and his work with children organizations with what they told me about his sexual preferences. No idea if this guy has ever come up before? Worth a dig, me thinks, by autists that have the skills/tools I lack to go digging deeper. I can't seem to find much about this guy but this..(pic related).
Baker Notable