T ID: ec5c8c Nov. 23, 2018, 5:01 p.m. No.4008666   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8781

What's up guys! I was told to post here as we could really use some serious help on the ground over here in Paradise CA and surrounding areas.


The biggest thing we need help on in the short term:


Families with kids need help. The kids lost everything and are in serious pain. Please join:

Paradise Fire Adopt a Family

Consider sponsoring a family with children. (Or DM me if you need a family to be paired with or just want to make a financial contribution for us to allocate accordingly).


Families need homes most of all. If anyone knows how we can get tiny homes or trailers over here let me know and I'll find families to fill them.


The media will not cover the full scope of this project or address the simple solutions to remedy this issue. They are kicking out animal rescue and all "unsanctioned" donations or shelters. (Red Cross & HSUS). The fires targeted a majorly republican area in California a few days after midterms. My family also lost friends in the southern fires and TO mass shootings.


PG&E director Roger Kimmel (Vice Chairman of Rothschild Inc) is entirely at fault for the fire disaster that in my opinion is on par with 9/11. Coincidentally Paradise is the location of the biggest single nugget gold find in North America. As well as numerous other big gold finds. It is no doubt in my mind this is a coordinated land grab effort.


Coincidentally we recorded videos and took images of large scale spraying operations in the sky before and after the fires wrath (increasing in volume

After) and we all of the sudden get flood rains. They won't let anyone back to their properties because of "hazardous waste". They even had multiple armed national guard with autonomous weapon mounted vehicles and snipers in positions (Long before and after Trumps visit). They threatened to shoot a friend of mine who tried to break the line to save his dogs.


Californias main agricultural water supply (not to mention the ground water of all these people's properties) is currently being poisoned by toxic runoff from 12,000+ leveled structures. This supplies not only California agriculture but the nations food sources. Cancer rates WILL Skyrocket if nothing is done. Similar to the 10,000+ cases from 2 buildings at ground 0- were dealing with 12,000 buildings next to the main supply of water for the entire nations food sources.


Don't worry though, we have angels on the ground working to help. WE NEED AWARENESS. Our group has a non profit working on soil and wildlife restoration in the area and the first agenda is preventing toxic runoff. You can follow Matthew E. Trumm on Facebook for more info about this project and how to contribute.


We can rebuild all the homes in the area for less than 175,000,000 (a drop in the bucket)

Entirely eco sustainable off grid tiny homes each costing less than 15,000.


The powers that be are preventing this. They want to bring in FEMA trailers and turn this into another NOLA.


The "aid money" that's coming in is just going to line the pockets of corrupt liberal politicians. This is why we need angels on the ground. We can stand up and say NO, we can FIGHT for the people who lost everything.


If not FIGHT, then please help by CONTRIBUTING, or SPREADING AWARENESS. This is not a battle that is easily won. We are taking on a monster of an establishment but I know that if we all band together we can win.


The U.S. Declaration of Independence states that "when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government"


Love and light to everyone here.