Anonymous ID: 438b50 Nov. 23, 2018, 5:43 p.m. No.4009067   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Shill jumped on this one right away, didn't he?

That tells me something.

Oh, it's notable alright.


Let's count the game pieces:

Canadian billionaires with a drug company


Catholic Church

Third world people being exploited and killed tested/taking those drugs

Clinton Foundation


Yeah, this is sexy as hell.

Anonymous ID: 438b50 Nov. 23, 2018, 6:17 p.m. No.4009313   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9480

Dig on the President's Intelligence Advisory Board:


The PIAG meets quarterly (in general) and has a small office space in the New Executive Office Building near the White House.


Current members:

  1. Board chairman Stephen Feinberg, billionaire hedge fund mgr/military contractor

  2. Former Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA), new Trump appointee

  3. Former White House economic adviser Jeremy Katz, new Trump appointee

  4. Goldman Sachs managing director & UVA Law adjunct prof James Donovan, new Trump appointee

  5. Former CIA/FBI counterterrorism official Kevin E. Hulbert, new Trump appointee

  6. New Jersey resident David Robertson (likely alias, is it Keith Caniero? Who IS this guy), new Trump appointee

  7. Oracle CEO Sofra Ada Katz (new Trump appointee)

  8. Vice board chairwoman Samantha Ravich, appointed by Trump in August


"the board hasn't always followed the president's wishes. Former President George W. Bush dissolved his board midway through his presidency after members objected to the use of interrogation tactics that critics consider torture, he said.


"Keep in mind, the board essentially stood up to George W. Bush and presumably most of the board were Republicans," Campos said."


Am not familiar with most of the names listed and think further digs are in order.


Report from (15 pgs):


Really wondering if Keith Caneiro and "David Robertson" are the same person.

Have dug at length and can find no web presence for "SquareOne Technology" or the alleged pest control company he and his brother Paul Caneiro were said to be running, other than the name being listed on Keith's LinkedIn. already speculating that he was an informant/operative.

Being invisible on the internet is such a tell.


I am afraid that the evil side just murdered a good guy, and sent a message to his brother, who similarly has had his own house burned, his family (almost) killed and is being charged with the murders and arson. The two "Caneiro" brothers have yet ANOTHER relative named Caneiro who is also being linked to spoopy doings.


Everything about this smells like evil.