Anonymous ID: be7e99 Nov. 23, 2018, 5:25 p.m. No.4008917   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9100 >>9290 >>9495 >>9582

UK Chief of General Staff Dubs Russia 'Far Greater Threat' than Daesh


Mark Carleton-Smith, the UK chief of the General Staff, claimed that Russia was a bigger threat to the UK security than the Daesh and al-Qaeda terror groups.


"Russia today indisputably represents a far greater threat to our national security than Islamic extremist threats such as al-Qaeda and Isil[Daesh]," Carleton-Smith said in an interview with The Telegraph newspaper released late on Friday.


The outlet noted, citing the military official, that the threat to the UK security had changed after the defeat of the Daesh in Iraq and Syria and due to the losses that al-Qaeda had sustained in Afghanistan. Thus, London and its allies need to focus on the threat allegedly coming from Russia, according to Carleton-Smith.


"Russia has embarked on a systematic effort to explore and exploit Western vulnerabilities, particularly in some of the non-traditional areas of cyber, space, undersea warfare… We cannot be complacent about the threat Russia poses or leave it uncontested. The most important conventional military response to Russia is the continued capabilities and coherence of the NATO alliance," Carleton-Smith argued.


The Telegraph noted that Carleton-Smith was speaking after visiting UK servicemen deployed to Estonia as part of the NATO group aimed at deterring Russia’s alleged aggression against the Baltic countries. Carleton-Smith took office of the chief of the General Staff last June.


Russia has repeatedly said it did not plan to attack any NATO member. Moscow has suggested that the alleged Russian aggression was used as a pretext by the military alliance to boost its military build-up near the Russian border.

Anonymous ID: be7e99 Nov. 23, 2018, 5:28 p.m. No.4008953   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9100 >>9290 >>9480 >>9495 >>9582

Trump Asks SCOTUS to Intervene Now and Allow Implementation of His Trans Military Ban


Trump Asks Supreme Court to Intervene Now and Implement the Transgender Military Ban—Even Though Four Federal Courts Have Blocked It

Attempting to leap frog the ordinary appeals process, the Trump Administration quietly files petitions for cert before judgment over holiday weekend


Washington, D.C.—The Trump Administration filed petitions for cert before judgment today in three cases challenging Trump’s transgender military ban: Doe v. Trump, Stockman v. Trump, and Karnoski v. Trump. The National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) and GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders (GLAD), who represent plaintiffs in both Doe and Stockman and were the first to challenge the ban, characterized the filing as an unusual attempt by the administration to bypass the standard appeals process.


There are four lawsuits in total challenging the transgender military ban, and all four federal courts to hear these cases have issued preliminary injunctions halting the ban from moving forward while the case is being heard in court. In issuing the preliminary injunctions, the courts each determined that the plaintiffs challenging the ban—who include current servicemembers, ROTC and military academy students and enlistees—would ultimately prevail. If the Supreme Court were to grant the administration’s request, it would consider this term whether to lift the injunction while the cases proceed in the lower courts. Excluding transgender people who meet military standards undermines readiness and would dramatically upend the lives and families of thousands of trans servicemembers and enlistees, and disrupt the military as a whole.


“There is no urgency here and no reason for the Court to weigh in at this juncture,” said Jennifer Levi, GLAD Transgender Rights Project Director. “The injunctions preserve the status quo of the open service policy that was thoroughly vetted by the military itself and has been in place now for more than two years. This is simply one more attempt by a reckless Trump administration to push through a discriminatory policy. The policy flies in the face of military research and dozens of top military experts.”


“The great majority of people in this country recognize that transgender people who can meet the same standards as others should have an equal opportunity to serve,” said Shannon Minter, NCLR Legal Director. Allowing President Trump’s ban to be implemented would upend thousands of lives and weaken our Armed Forces.”


“As Americans come together and give thanks for the sacrifices made by our brave servicemembers and their families, the Trump-Pence Administration is focused on undermining our military by tripling down on this discriminatory ban,” said Rick Zbur, Executive Director of Equality California which brought the Stockman case on behalf its members. “There are thousands of transgender service members bravely serving the nation with distinction. The Administration ought to be thanking them for their service—not trying to score political points by purging them from our military.”


Oral argument in Doe v. Trump is currently scheduled to be held on December 10 in the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals.


For more information, go to NCLR and GLAD’s website outlining the history and status of the Trump-Pence transgender military ban



Anonymous ID: be7e99 Nov. 23, 2018, 5:31 p.m. No.4008982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9040 >>9100 >>9290 >>9495 >>9582

San Francisco: LGBT Lutheran Pastor And Friends Arrested In Child Porn Raid


Five pedophiles at a Pro-LGBT Church have been arrested by San Francisco's Child Exploitation Task Forces for the production of child pornography. Controversial Gay Pastor of Christ Church Lutheran in San Francisco, the Rev. Steven Sabin, heads the congregations


The San Francisco Police Department’s Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force began investigating posts to a social media account displaying child pornography back in October.


Pedophiles who host the files do so on an online blog which was connected with the Lutheran church belonging to Sabin.


The District Attorney's Office obtained a search warrant for Pastor Sabin’s home on Market Street between Ninth and Tenth in San Francisco.


Inside the home of Pastor Sabin, the task force found hundreds of videos and images of children engaged in a forced sexual assault.


After hauling in computers, laptops, SD drives, external hard drives, and other electronic equipment, the ICAC task force shipped the evidence to the state crime lab.


The disturbing arrests are part of a widespread effort to round up degenerates who would consider the forced sexual abuse of a minor child as being a pleasure-filled experience, with the anticipation of producing child pornography for other despicable pedophiles to masturbate to.


The perverse desire to have sexual relations with children, and homosexuality are condemned in the Holy Bible.


Many denominations of Christians support LGBT rights. However, the word of God cannot be reversed.



Anonymous ID: be7e99 Nov. 23, 2018, 5:48 p.m. No.4009110   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Skripal affair-related videos distract attention from Brexit, Moscow says


The new videos were revealed on November 22


Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has described the newly-released videos showing the two men whom London suspects of involvement in the Skripal affair as the British authorities’ attempts to distract attention from Brexit.


"I don’t ask rhetorical questions any more. I insist: in this primate way Mrs. May’s government tries to play down the agenda of Brexit and the discussion of their own resignation. Too banal? It’s the best that they can do," Zakharova said on her Facebook page on Friday.


Scotland Yard released new Skripal affair-related videos on Thursday. One shows Russian nationals Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov at the Salisbury railway station. In another they pass a fueling station on Wilton Road near Sergei Skripal’s home, and in the third the men are seen walking towards the railway station and along the bridge across River Avon. Also, Scotland Yard published photos of white plastic details looking like components of a spraying device.

Anonymous ID: be7e99 Nov. 23, 2018, 5:55 p.m. No.4009168   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9207 >>9217 >>9332

Ex-pastor charged with rape at gunpoint & shooting woman in head


A former evangelical pastor known for his rants against gun control measures was charged with kidnapping, murder and sodomy after an attack at a Catholic supply store.


53-year-old Thomas Bruce of Missouri is facing 17 criminal charges after holding three women at gunpoint in a Catholic supply store in St. Louis, forcing them into a backroom and commanding them to perform ‘deviant sexual acts’, the St. Louis police said at a press conference. When one of the women failed to comply, Bruce allegedly shot her in the head.


The horrific attack occurred in the middle of the day on Monday, resulting in a two-day manhunt that ended with Bruce’s arrest. Over 100 police also raided his residence, a trailer sporting a large ‘don’t tread on me’ flag, searching for evidence.


Aside from having worked as a pastor, Bruce’s LinkedIn page lists him as having been the manager of a Jewish community center as well as having studied the Bible and counseling at Calvary Chapel Bible College. He had no previous criminal record but had recently filed for bankruptcy.


Ironically, his social media presence also includes numerous rants against ‘criminals’ and gun control laws. On his twitter, Bruce describes himself as a “Decorated Navy Vet & Trusty Shellback” and employes a #MAGA hashtag. Just last week, he made a post that reads: “We should stop expecting criminals to follow the rules. I’m hoping we end gun-free zones and put the criminals on notice that they will be stopped.”


When asked if the state would pursue the death penalty, St. Louis County Prosecutor Robert McCulloch responded that while “the aggravating circumstances are certainly there,” it will ultimately be the next prosecutor's decision, as McCulloch’s term ends at the end of the year. He described the attack as one of the worst he had seen in his career, saying the crime had "shocked the senses".

Anonymous ID: be7e99 Nov. 23, 2018, 5:57 p.m. No.4009184   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Spain will veto Brexit 'if there are no changes' – PM


UK Prime Minister Theresa May has failed to convince her Spanish counterpart Pedro Sanchez to support Brexit, as Sanchez repeated a threat to veto the deal. The two can't agree on how Brexit will affect the status of Gibraltar.


"After my conversation with Theresa May, our positions remain far away. My Government will always defend the interests of Spain. If there are no changes, we will veto Brexit," Sanchez tweeted late Thursday night.


Spain has been seeking guarantees that any post-Brexit negotiations on the status of Gibraltar – a British territory surrounded by Spain and sea, which Madrid lays a claim to – remain between itself and the UK, without giving a say to the EU. As of now, the Gibraltar protocol in Brexit papers does not directly envision talks between the tiny territory and the EU, but Madrid wants them ruled out explicitly.


Sanchez has already threatened to torpedo the entire Brexit deal before, if Spain's demands on the issue are not met. May spoke to Sanchez on the phone, but apparently failed to budge the talks.

Anonymous ID: be7e99 Nov. 23, 2018, 6 p.m. No.4009199   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9210 >>9332 >>9480



Dem Rep Gallego: Trump’s Khashoggi Statement Saying ‘The US Is For Sale’


On Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Situation Room,” Representative Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) argued President Trump’s statement on Saudi Arabia and Washington Post writer Jamal Khashoggi is a statement that “the United States is for sale,” if you have economic control or “if the president has business with you.”


Gallego stated, “Well, what it really says around the world is that the United States is for sale, both the country as a whole, if somehow you have a grasp on our economy like the Saudis do when it comes to oil prices, and, number two, that the country is also for sale if the president has business with you. We know the president does have business with Saudi Arabia. He bragged about it during the election. He has talked about it in the past.”

Anonymous ID: be7e99 Nov. 23, 2018, 6:02 p.m. No.4009215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9275 >>9332

Merkel: EU States Must Prepare to Hand National Sovereignty over to Brussels


German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said that European Union (EU) member states must be prepared to transfer powers over to Brussels at a debate on the ‘tensions’ between globalisation and national sovereignty.


“Nation states must today be prepared to give up their sovereignty,” Merkel said, speaking at an event organised by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Berlin on Wednesday.


“In an orderly fashion of course,” Merkel said, explaining that — while Germany had given up some of its sovereignty in order to join the EU, national parliaments were in charge of deciding whether to sign up to international treaties.


Trust and the willingness to compromise are vital in addressing tensions between sovereignty and globalisation, asserted the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) leader, highlighting the controversial UN migration pact, debate over which has continued to split her own party.


Merkel condemned the fact that, in discussions over whether Germany should join a fast-growing number of nations pulling out of the agreement, “there were [politicians] who believed that they could decide when these agreements are no longer valid because they are representing The People”.


“[But] the people are individuals who are living in a country, they are not a group who define themselves as the [German] people,” she stressed.


Earlier in the day, the Chancellor had previously accused critics of her plans to sign up to the Global Compact for Safe and Orderly Migration, which declares migration ‘inevitable, necessary and desirable’, of advocating “nationalism in its purest form”.


“That is not patriotism, because patriotism is when you include others in German interests and accept win-win situations,” insisted Merkel, paraphrasing her French counterpart Emmanuel Macron, who recently claimed that “patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism [because] nationalism is treason”.


Battling disastrous poll ratings at home in France, as well as massive protests, Macron travelled to Berlin at the weekend, where he told the Bundestag that “the Franco-German couple [has] the obligation not to let the world slip into chaos and to guide it on the road to peace”.


“Europe must be stronger… and win more sovereignty,” the French president said, demanding EU member states surrender national sovereignty to Brussels over “foreign affairs, migration, and development” in addition to “an increasing part of our budgets and even fiscal resources”.

Anonymous ID: be7e99 Nov. 23, 2018, 6:05 p.m. No.4009232   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9480

China Allows U.S. Aircraft Carrier to Visit Hong Kong


The aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan and its battle group arrived in Hong Kong on Wednesday, a friendship visit widely interpreted as an easing of tensions between the U.S. and China just a few weeks after the Chinese refused to allow a U.S. warship to dock in Hong Kong.


The Reagan was cleared to visit on Tuesday by the Hong Kong Maritime Department along with the guided missile cruiser USS Chancellorsville and guided missile destroyers USS Benfold and USS Curtis Wilbur.


“Hong Kong is always an incredible port visit and I’m glad that the officers and sailors of Carrier Strike Group 5 will have the chance to enjoy the culture, vitality and diversity of this great city,” strike group commander Rear Adm. Karl Thomas said in a statement.


“The abundant growth and prosperity that surrounds us in Hong Kong is what the United States Seventh Fleet seeks to preserve for all nations in this important region,” Thomas said.


The Reagan battle group was recently involved in exercises in the Philippine Sea and joint drills with Japan’s Maritime Self-Defense Force, the sort of activity that normally angers China. Another intriguing event took place on Tuesday when two U.S. B-52 long-range bombers operating from Guam apparently passed over the South China Sea on a training mission. The intriguing aspect of the flight was that China apparently did not complain about it.


CNN suggested Wednesday’s Hong Kong port call is “likely to be interpreted as a goodwill gesture” in advance of the G-20 summit in Argentina next week, when President Donald Trump will have his first direct meeting with Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping since the U.S-China trade war began. White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow on Tuesday predicted the dispute between Washington and Beijing will “come to a head” in Argentina, one way or the other.

Anonymous ID: be7e99 Nov. 23, 2018, 6:18 p.m. No.4009316   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Report of evidence of felonies violating civil rights, and bribery by foreign agents, implicating United States Special Council Robert S Mueller III as a criminally-tainted agent of foreign and racketeering interests


28 page

Anonymous ID: be7e99 Nov. 23, 2018, 6:36 p.m. No.4009478   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ex-CIA Officer: UK NGO Used for Covert Ops Allows London 'Plausible Deniability


UK intelligence chieftains ran a global hybrid warfare program out of a non-governmental organization (NGO) to provide London with plausible deniability in case the scheme was exposed, former CIA officer Philip Giraldi told Sputnik.


"This is undoubtedly a covertly funded front NGO carrying out media and agent of influence manipulation that is actually being run out of the embassies' intel shops," Giraldi, who also served in US Army counter-intelligence, said on Friday. "Using an NGO provides plausible deniability when the activity is revealed."


Such activities were often carried out to get decisions made by the local governments that are favorable to perceived British interests, Giraldi explained.


"Every intelligence agency worth its salt does the same thing to a greater or lesser degree, including Russia, China and the USA," Giraldi said.


The Anonymous hacktivist collective earlier published a batch of documents that exposed the UK's global information secret service operation in Europe, the United States and Canada whose stated goal is to counter Russia. The hacker group claimed that Integrity Initiative, a London-based think tank, acted as a hub for the UK secret service operation.


Anonymous also reported that the UK program funded Kremlin critic Bill Browder and Vladimir Ashurkov, an associate of Russian opposition activist Alexey Navalny.


Russian lawmakers said Friday that an alleged covert operation by UK intelligence to target Russia and influence allies warrants a probe by Russia’s chief prosecutor and a special agency to deter foreign meddling.

Anonymous ID: be7e99 Nov. 23, 2018, 6:41 p.m. No.4009523   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9526 >>9582

John Kerry Warns Immigration Has 'Crushed' Europe



Former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry admitted last week during a trip to Europe that the continent has been "crushed" by a transformation that has taken place due to immigration.


Kerry made the remarks while speaking at a Guardian Live event at Central Hall in London where he weighed in on a number of issues and also used the opportunity to bash President Donald Trump.


"Europe is already crushed under this transformation that is taking place due to migration," Kerry said. "In Germany, Angela Merkel is weakened. Italian politics is significantly impacted."




John Kerry warns against mass immigration during an interview with The Guardian this week: “Look at Europe! Europe’s already crushed under this transformation that’s taken place because of immigration.”

— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) November 17, 2018


Kerry claimed that extreme climate change in Africa could cause an even more serious migration problem that will impact Europe and then blamed Trump in a subsequent interview with The Guardian, saying Trump's decision to leave the Paris Climate Accord was going to kill a lot of people.


"You know what I’m angry about? People are going to die because of the decision Donald Trump made," Kerry told The Guardian. "My kids and my grandkids are going to face a difficult world because of what Donald Trump has done."


A week after Kerry made his remarks, two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton made similar remarks in an interview with The Guardian.


"Clinton told The Guardian (UK) that Europe has badly mishandled the migration crisis from the Middle East," Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro wrote. "In verbiage reminiscent of one Donald J. Trump, Clinton acknowledged that Europe’s influx of unvetted immigration from Muslim countries has led to social fracturing on the continent."


"I think Europe needs to get a handle on migration because that is what lit the flame," Clinton said. "I admire the very generous and compassionate approaches that were taken by leaders like Angela Merkel [of Germany], but I think it is fair to say Europe has done its part and must send a very clear message — 'we are not going to be able to continue providing refuge and support' — because if we don’t deal with the migration issue it will continue to roil the body politic."