pb Not Notable Baker
That is 100% fake news.
Remember that Rothschild party where there were not supposed to be any images / pictures released. With the Gold Horns and weird table settings, costumes, etc., ?
People try to tell me it's fake, but ZOOM IN, really look at it!!!
Circa 1970's, the bottle of Sherry and Rabbit Ears on leftโฆ
It's not the Tarantino roast human movie gag. See link.
Right, it's all about feelings and "taste"
But I LIKE him.
Don't you know that's the coin of the realm for a con artist, that people shold "LIKE" him
All the really good researchers are cantankerous.
Why? because they don't give a fuck about your feelings. They don't give you sweet sweet lies?
Guys is a total con artist. Just don't send him money.
If you look at the menu, it might give a clue?
The menu is on the SkyFall collage at the right.
It was a real party and Salvador Dali attended.
Interesting but the party was in Belgium
not Scotland
That castle was included in the collage because of it's connection to Charles and pedo buddy Savile,
chateau de ferrieres rothschild 1972
was location of '72 party
The stage is some kind of symbol and showed up at the entrance to that castle in the SkyFall movie 007
Meant to write 'Stag" sorry.
Yes I was wrong.
In the twitter thread it came from they were wrtigin about the Rothschild place in Belgium where it's rumored they did human hunting.