I wish there were those useful crumbs like how to get the list of Google books from the trip codes or something like that. I was way too overwhelmed to remember to back those items up and I really wish I could get the JJ photos back.
If someone could help me I'd very much appreciate it, I do want to understand the past. It's a part of my make up, I want to help craft legislation or think tank ideas, whatever I can do to help. Sitting on the sidelines isn't going to work for me, I may as well just go find another soul crushing job if I'm only going to be able to watch this from a long distance. Crafting the future of policy for this Nation is absolutely vital and I don't think this opportunity in time will come along again in my life.
BTW, if we have some Tesla tech that can increase memory and brain operation function let's do that soon. Alot of our physical symptoms are from a denied brain, and if we settle those frequencies in a good tandem with the rest of the body and soul we can go as far and wide as we can imagine.
Thank you to everyone that has been a part of my Awakening. I can't tell you how much this means to me even if I can never prove it to anyone else. I got to experience a gift that few have, technology designed as a weapon but used for good. It's all about who is at the controls and I'm glad I trusted you and trusted myself.
I really do hope to meet POTUS and Q team one day face to face even though I feel Ive already met you before.
I'm a ponderer so I'm definitely trying to figure out how the tech works, LOLOL