The nature of the questions is meant to be open nded. The reason being is that you will make some connections that are correct and others that are incorrect. This is how part of the programming, it will lead to eventually losing faith, or worse, paranoia.
In the case of Q, the Anon never really feels they are the target but imagine if you are on the wrong side of Q and are being hunted? You will make some wrong connections that then Q can reinforce in other ways to make you believe a total false hood. For the record, I don't think Q is targeting Anons but we are being taught some techniques used in infiltration and dispersal.
Let be real here, it may not be a very good idea to rile up half the country to demand public hangings, but it's a pretty useful torture tactic against the cabal and their cohorts. These people have fucked up many good people's lives, slaughtered innocent children, and ruined entire civilizations. Fuck them, they deserve torture. I hope we have micowaves beaming suicidal messages to them constantly. Sounds terrible because it is.