Anonymous ID: 4d42cb Nov. 24, 2018, 4:09 a.m. No.4012322   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The UN can tongue punch my fart box!

I’ll be damned if I’ll give up my first amendment right to say what I want and what I mean especially when it’s an issue of importance and/or feel strongly about.

And I damned sure ain’t giving up any rights whatsoever to a foreign entity. I answer only to my local, state and federal government and even then I’ll use whatever rights and utilities I have at my disposal to fight them if I feel I am in the right or I am being abused. But I will die fighting and take some mother fuckers with me if they step foot on my Nations soil and try to tell me, my family and/or my countrymen that their constitutional rights are superseded by some other nation or organization’s laws. You mother fuckers have no jurisdiction over us and whatever rule, policy or law you try and push on us means absolute dick to me.

As long as there is still breath in my lungs and blood in my heart I will decimate every fucking one of you uninvited globalist fuckstains I see!

And I know in my heart that I am not the only one who feels this way!

You have been warned!

Don’t Tread on Me!