God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.
Interesting because the sea squirt or tunicate has not one, but two distinct "identities."
Tunicates spends part of life as free swimming, independant individuals before rooting beneath sub tidal surface waters to spawn a colony of new individuals from stem cell found in the sea squirt's cape, or tunic. (Tunic is latin for cap hence "tunicate.")
John Steinbeck and his friend Ed Rockett's aka "Doc," a marine biologist, noted this on an survey expedition around the Baja peninsula prior to WW part II. You can read about this in their book "Sea of Cortez" which was published Dec 7 1941, Pearl Harbor day and went virtually unnoticed.
Steinbeck and Doc saw that the tunic was both and individual and a community of individuals at different stages of life, and the men had the intelligence to ask the question, "Which one is the animal? The free swimming individual, or the community which shares a common blood supply?"
Steinbeck and Doc had the intuition to answer "Both."
Human live the same - as individuals and as members of a larger collective individual that shares a common blood supply. Our common blood supply also circulates among us, an carries the information that regulates the activity of the organs - social organs - energy have a macro and micros aspect.
Another things about tunicates - when one colony impinges on the territory of another they form an anamastosis and share a common blood supply. Within the common blood supply blood factors compete to become part of the germ line. Only ONE community will contribute the cells that will be inherited by all the new individuals spawned by the community,
the blood supply of the human superorganism is information.
If it is poison the super organism does not function properly - or dies.
it's not a "hive mind" and the "sub" conscious isn't sub anything.
Thinking is uncommon because it's a formal process distinct from selection replication which is what we do when we are said to learn.
cleft in the buttocks.