Anonymous ID: 7156e3 Nov. 24, 2018, 5:28 a.m. No.4012556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2606


Meh. That's the story. That's the story on Wikipedia. Everything she's involved in is classified or unconfirmed or stated and then never happened. And her past is a mystery. And her whistleblower credentials don't seem attached to anything we've seen. Zero reason to trust her except the appearance of being silenced.


Right now, she's got a story about a Turkish general. Basically a single source complex conspiracy about the Turks being victims in a convoluted charade by US and SA leadership.


The aspect of creating an excuse to end US Turkey relations and STRENGTHEN US Saudi relations is a plausible explanation for why the Kashoggi story is so convoluted. The honeypot fiance aspect explains a lot. But it requires 2 things.


  1. The momentary hit to US Saudi relations at a time when Trump is betting a lot on maintaining these relations for the sake of optics, international strategy, and industrial expansion via oil prices that SA controls.


  1. The murder of an alleged conspirator to Trumps FISA drama who would far far far more valuable to Trump as a witness and to MBS as a trading piece or his own small trophy in his house cleaning.


If her story is the truth it hurts the US and Trump in those ways, the loss of Kashoggi and the short term damage and bad optics.


It hurts SA for the same reasons but doesn't matter that much to them.


Who benefits from her story? Turkey because they're the aren't victims of a US SA plot. I don't even know how else it affects them besides optics. This Kashoggi drama doesn't even seem to hit them in either direction.


It also actually benefits Russia. Because the revelation of this plot would long term harm the US SA buddy optics and force Trump to distance himself from MBS for the plot to kill Kashoggi just as every MSM outlet and Democrats are inexplicably demanding this very moment. This breakdown would seemingly cause MBS to stop doing what Trump wants, which is low oil prices, which would then raise Russia's profit margin on their 60% energies economy.


Trump already has meh relations with Erdogan. And Erdogan has fantastic relatives with Putin. And as seemingly ok as Trump Putin relations seem, this recent SA cooperation to lower oil prices is the equivalent of economic war against Putin. I don't see Trump needing this convoluted excuse to reset relations over some Saudi plot.


My conclusion:

This Sibel Edmonds story is convenient only for Russia/Turkey and is in perfect alignment with the recentstances by Democrats and the lockstep MSM. It makes perfect sense why Russia and thus Turkey would concoct this. The Democrat/MSM cooperation is a fucking mystery without tying all the way back to shady spygate shit.


Most of her story makes sense as far as the plot to capture Kashoggi, as all great lies tend to be 90% true. It's only the conclusion and agenda that doesn't make sense. And it's exactly the same senseless as the recent NYT/WAPO/Democrat/British Kashoggi reeing. It's just coming from an entirely different direction.

Anonymous ID: 7156e3 Nov. 24, 2018, 5:40 a.m. No.4012606   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Reading my own shit again, she could easily be the good actor here because all this treachery is only being revealed by her actions and she's not taking a stance.


Fuck this is convoluted. And she is a fucking qt. And I'd be nonexistant as fuck if i had her past too.

Anonymous ID: 7156e3 Nov. 24, 2018, 5:49 a.m. No.4012647   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2655 >>2676 >>2731


BO, i don't think it's a coincidence that this is happening <24hrs after the feelingz/famefags showed up to try their bullshit again. They're always around the exact same time the baker drama kicks in. And everywhere else except here, the next step for their faggotry is controlling the mod team which doesn't seem to exist here as i never see BV intervention. Which i think is wise.


I do believe the baking orders been infiltrated lately by them specifically and i think that doesn't even fucking matter because they have no power aside from bad notables which don't fucking matter anyway.


I think you're doing fine. But i bet it gets worse for a while.

Anonymous ID: 7156e3 Nov. 24, 2018, 6:13 a.m. No.4012728   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>and Beanz is a … that likely works for …


Cunt that likely works for kikes?

Kike that likely works for kikes?

Nigger that likely weird for faggots?

Retard that likely works for Commies?


My answer to your missing word puzzle can only be expressed in the form of a function that randomly selects both words(with replacement) from the following set with the second word being the pluralized form:


[nigger, faggot, kike, retard, commie, Brockshill, Cianigger, Mossadnigger, treasonous pedo, Democrat, cunt, affiliate of a fully credentialed media organization]