People need to stop scoffing and pay attention, closer everyday. and the beat goes on
Revelation 13:16
“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in
their right hand, or in their foreheads:”
Revelation 13:17
“And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
Is This How The World Will Look In 2050?
More surveillance
Digital monitoring becomes cheaper and easier every year, so there is no reason why the governments and corporations will stop watching us unless we they are forced to do so.
We will most likely see same type of public surveillance and social scoring as they have in China, although it will be far more advanced, and unfortunately we will not be able to do anything to stop it.
Bitcoin will be the main currency of the world
Some economists say that Bitcoin may take over FIAT after the next global economic crisis, which is predicted to happen in 1–3 years from now. Whether this will actually happen this fast or not, it will surely happen in 10–20 years, and by the year of 2050, people will think of government issued money as something from 20th century socialist era.
Along with Bitcoin few other crypto currencies that have some concrete advantages will survive, but their total use will be less than 10% of the use of Bitcoin.
Super AI that will transcend human intelligence will be created
This is simply a matter of time, as computing power on the machines doubles every 2 years, and by the 2050 (which is 32 years from now) computers will be 30 thousand times faster and smarter than they are today. Smarter than human AI will be probably created much earlier than 2050, and by 2050 the existence of non-human super intelligence will be certain.