Anonymous ID: ac3b57 Nov. 24, 2018, 5:12 a.m. No.4012501   🗄️.is 🔗kun



God bless you, Anon, and I am so very glad you survived your near-kidnapping and worse. I'm sure you dodged the bullet of death.


I have always, always had a sixth sense about evil. I detect it in rooms, towns, buildings, etc. As a kid there was a very creepy man & woman that used to leer at me from across the pew in Catholic church. They practically droooled as they looked at little kids around them. I shivered in their presence.


I'll never know if they were evil. But given how that same feeling in me panned out to confirm true evil, later in life, and given what I now know sick people do behind a cloak of normalcy, I believe I did well to steer clear of those creepy bastards.


I'm glad you survived the March of Fraud. . . .