The NSA’s 9/11 Cover-Up: General Hayden Told a Lie, and It’s a Whopper
Caught lying about 9/11 "hijackers" living in San Diego
"The narrative spun by Hayden is “an absolute lie.” The NSA knew damn well that these calls were coming from San Diego. According to former NSA senior executive Thomas Drake:
“Every number that comes into that switchboard, if you’re cast-iron coverage on that switchboard, you know exactly what that number is and where it comes from.… You know exactly—otherwise it can’t get there.”
I wonder why?
Even by just pure logic you could figure he was involved with the 9/11 attack.
>>4010598 pb
>>4010529 pb
Does seem like a "Trump Curse" here on Hayden.
"The louder they shout against Trump"
And he certainly was one
Appointed by W. Bush.
I would not be surprised if this was not another "McCursed" situation where the alleged health issue was a cover; either for him to escape his rightful punishment; Or, as a cover for the actual [military] punishment.
"Director of National Intel" for Bush for 9/11
And so?
Must've at least covered up for 9/11
If we knew, they [he] must've.
Caught in a lie around "hijacker" legends in San Diego