Point #1
The ECS is old, very old. We developed it in the same common ancestor where we diverged from insects. Almost every non-insect life form on the planet has an ECS. We can go as far back as something called a sea squirt and identify that it had a functional ECS, a very basic stomach, and somewhat of a nervous system. It certainly appears that our central nervous system and our ECS are closely related. By function, it appears that our ECS sits above our central nervous system (3).
Main Point: The ECS is the oldest (and by virtue most important) system in our bodies!!!!
Point #2
It is appearing that the ECS is our master regulatory system. While there has not yet been the “definitive” study here, most researchers are agreeing that this is the case. Copious amounts of research can be found at nih.gov and using the keyword “endocannabinoid”. Try pairing endocannabinoid with “immune system” or “feeding and craving” or “cognitive”. As you begin to read this research it is very apparent that the ECS is the regulatory down and thru every major human system. In fact, the ECS is the ONLY system in the body that can touch every cell (4,5) .
Main Point: The ECS manages EVERY function in our body..either directly or indirectly..cholesterol level, temperature, how we eat, when we eat, how and when we sleep, how we manage pain, our immune response, how we think, how we feel.