Anonymous ID: d51d63 Nov. 24, 2018, 3:33 a.m. No.4012209   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Morning anons….


#morningcrew bakers must be on holiday! TY for the ebakes over the last few days…


>>4010448 (from notables bun)


Seems about right…plausible theory and would make sense. As dust settles clearly khashoggi a slide to wedge Trump/MBS…


Had not made the connection to world markets..interesting connection to better way to sink Iran then price of oil dropping…



Anonymous ID: d51d63 Nov. 24, 2018, 3:37 a.m. No.4012221   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2235


haarp/weather mod/whatever they are fucking spraying on us.. could be a factor here..everything pretty normal until 1997 or so…


Does data before 1979 trend around zero or below? If so this is CLEARLY from outside influence..unless some major earth or atmospheric change happened in 97 we all missed…

Anonymous ID: d51d63 Nov. 24, 2018, 3:46 a.m. No.4012257   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2298


>1997-98 was the largest el nino event on record

point is that they started messing with the weather in the 60's/70's but really ramped that up in the 90's. If you are looking at atmospheric data then you are also looking at artificial haarp heating…

Anonymous ID: d51d63 Nov. 24, 2018, 3:52 a.m. No.4012272   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2293


You made a word salad! You are posting this high level math without giving us any beginning point…can you walk us logically thru your points? I would like to understand what you are trying to say. If D5 is "the key" then state it simply in bullets

Anonymous ID: d51d63 Nov. 24, 2018, 3:57 a.m. No.4012292   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2294 >>2389 >>2540

Anons..researchfag and research the endocannabinoid system…have posted this info before and doing it again as important to our health. How can we not be taught about the MOST IMPORTANT SYSTEM in our entire bodies?


The endocannabinoid system (ECS) was discovered in the early 1990’s. It was discovered almost simultaneously between several different scientist, one of which was Dr. Raphael Mechoulam (who also discovered THC). Dr. Mechoulam named the main internal chemical mediator which binds at the CB1 neuroreceptor anandamide.


The second endocannabinoid neuroreceptor was discovered shortly after the discovery of anandamide and was coined CB2. Scientist discovered the internal chemical mediator that binds to the CB2 neuroreceptor, called 2-AG (1).


A further discovery was made in the early 2000’s. Neurologist had always believed that nerves could ONLY fire in one direction. By the late 1990’s evidence was being presented that nerves were able to, under certainly circumstances, fire backwards. With the discovery of the ECS, it was also discovered that the ECS was directly responsible for this reverse firing and this was coined reverse signaling (2).


Regrettably the ECS is not in the curriculum at any major University medical schools, pharmacy schools, pre-med, or intern programs. One major University is teaching a PHD level elective this fall (2018).

Anonymous ID: d51d63 Nov. 24, 2018, 3:58 a.m. No.4012294   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2295 >>2389 >>2540 >>2626


Point #1


The ECS is old, very old. We developed it in the same common ancestor where we diverged from insects. Almost every non-insect life form on the planet has an ECS. We can go as far back as something called a sea squirt and identify that it had a functional ECS, a very basic stomach, and somewhat of a nervous system. It certainly appears that our central nervous system and our ECS are closely related. By function, it appears that our ECS sits above our central nervous system (3).


Main Point: The ECS is the oldest (and by virtue most important) system in our bodies!!!!


Point #2


It is appearing that the ECS is our master regulatory system. While there has not yet been the “definitive” study here, most researchers are agreeing that this is the case. Copious amounts of research can be found at and using the keyword “endocannabinoid”. Try pairing endocannabinoid with “immune system” or “feeding and craving” or “cognitive”. As you begin to read this research it is very apparent that the ECS is the regulatory down and thru every major human system. In fact, the ECS is the ONLY system in the body that can touch every cell (4,5) .


Main Point: The ECS manages EVERY function in our body..either directly or indirectly..cholesterol level, temperature, how we eat, when we eat, how and when we sleep, how we manage pain, our immune response, how we think, how we feel.

Anonymous ID: d51d63 Nov. 24, 2018, 3:58 a.m. No.4012295   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2296 >>2389 >>2540


Point #3


The ECS is a resource driven system. In order to better understand this, lets move to a system that we understand pretty well. Most of us know about dopamine and serotonin. We know that it takes these two chemical mediators to run our “happy sauce” and to keep us thinking clearly. Diseases of lack of dopamine and serotonin are things like Parkinsons and other diseases of the brain. Most “mood” issues are thought to be inadequate dopamine and serotonin regulation (ECS related!!). So where do dopamine and serotonin come from? Don’t feel bad, most phd’s cannot answer that question! We have to eat for dopamine and serotonin! We break down dopamine and serotonin from foods that we eat, in particular foods that contain l-tryptophan. Most foods do, so nothing really to worry about. The point of the story is this…if I were to deny you food with l-tryptophan, you would not be able to generate dopamine and serotonin and you would become horribly depressed and would not think clearly. THIS IS A RESOURCE DRIVEN SYSTEM. WE HAVE TO EAT FOR IT! (6,7)


Main Point: The ECS is a resource driven system that we must eat for. We are all malnourished in this system as we do not yet understand how to eat for it.

Anonymous ID: d51d63 Nov. 24, 2018, 3:58 a.m. No.4012296   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2389 >>2540


Anonymous ID: d51d63 Nov. 24, 2018, 4:10 a.m. No.4012324   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Last night Mayor of TJ screaming for the blue hats…probably the fall back of the CHOAD plan to put UN troops on our border…


Good luck with that…we won't need the military, about 1MM angry Texans will handle ;-) Don't fuck with TX…