Anonymous ID: da4720 Nov. 24, 2018, 2:18 a.m. No.4011993   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2002 >>2005 >>2009 >>2020 >>2024 >>2082 >>2142 >>2611 >>2669

>>4011846 (lb)

> still curious

OK, I don't really like to talk about it much, because it's a "supernatural" experience. I was basically issuing a challenge to demons with the intent to destroy them, and they happily accepted my invitation. Won't tell precisely how that happened, because no-one needs to know how to dial the number. Seriously, DON'T DO IT!


Anyway, a bunch of demonic entities tore my soul right out of my body and "dragged me down to hell", is the best way to put it. It felt like being compressed and thrown into a black hole, having all life force sucked out of you.


I was completely overpowered, and there was nothing I could do. I just knew I was in real trouble. There is a "knowing" that strikes you when you have a spiritual experience, and I "knew" my fate was sealed forever if I didn't get out of my predicament real soon.


So in a sudden unexpected strike of genius I prayed to Jesus. Unexpected to me, because I wasn't a Christian, it just felt like the thing to do at the moment.


And it was. Jesus didn't show up in person, but a massive explosion of "light" burst out of my core, tearing away the compressing darkness around me. The demons fled screeching, like cockroaches scurrying off into dark corners to hide.


I never had any trouble of the kind afterwards, and I get the sense I'm "under protection" ever since. Hard to describe, but I feel like there's an invisible orb of protective energy around me at all times.


I'm still not a Christian, because I think Christian churches are full of retarded crap, but I hold Jesus in the highest regard. No-one badmouths my homie Jesus when I'm around!


Sounds insane, I know. That's why I don't like to talk about it.

Anonymous ID: da4720 Nov. 24, 2018, 2:27 a.m. No.4012017   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2441


Jesus is some powerful shit yo!


But even though I know this from personal experience, I still cringe when Christians come up and want to "talk to me about Jesus". I hate those fuckers. It's probably the "holier than thou" vibe that ticks me off. Plus I never get the feeling they actually are as "saved" as they think they are.

Anonymous ID: da4720 Nov. 24, 2018, 2:33 a.m. No.4012026   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2032


>demons have no power


>Unless we CONSENT AND ALLOW THEM to control us


True. I'll just add that calling out to fight them counts as giving consent too. If you give your consent for them to interact with you in any way, their restraints are gone. Very dangerous.

Anonymous ID: da4720 Nov. 24, 2018, 2:44 a.m. No.4012051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2059 >>2060 >>2067 >>2076


Well, my relationship with Jesus is … complicated.


Some time after my experience, he showed up in person to have a chat. I was having a lucid dream, and was having a lot of fun dicking around.


Then a dude showed up and simply said "hi, I'm Jesus!"


And I was like "Good for you. Now fuck off!"


He laughed and assured me he'd leave me alone to play, he just wanted to show me something first.


Then he took control of my dream "body" - from the inside. This is yet another thing that's hard to describe, because it's so far from our ordinary life experience. He didn't take control by overpowering me like the demons had done, he took control by being me and bending me to his will.


And what he did was throw me down on my knees and slap my hands together in that stereotypical "prayer" pose people teach to their children. And in that moment the bible verse about "all knees will bend to me" came to me.


I laughed at the realization, because I suddenly had a "knowing" that I am a limb on Jesus' body. I am free to do my own individual thing only because he gives me this freedom, but I do not really exist outside of him. Some bible verse about us having life in Jesus and Jesus having life in the father came to me, and I knew it was true, having just experienced it.


Jesus smiled at me, satisfied that I had gotten the message. And then he left me alone. We separated as friends, he did not hold a grudge over me being stubborn. It was perfectly OK.


One thing I think Christians generally get wrong, is that they paint Jesus as stern and hard to please. He's nothing of the kind. He's super chill, and has a great sense of humor!