Old cabbage piss pantsuits was busy twatting yesterday, I missed a lot of breads yesterday did we cover this burst of twats?
That's gold, Anon & prolly more prophetic than we can ever know
>> 4012870
<Donald Trump on His Commitment to Jewish Americans and Israel
Your constant attempts to divert eyes away from the JQ by repeatedly using this stale copypasta in over 3000k breads is still subject to the Streisand Effect & is backfiring, bigly.
I was not fully red pilled onto the JQ till you JIDF/MOS/AIPAC shills started your propaganda onslaught on /qresearch where you cannot control the narrative with your jew media empire.
Keep going Shlomo, the people are now more red pilled on jew subversion & supremacy than ever..
Almost every JIDF shill uses these, watch for them
Love this place, where we are right now is the last bastion of free speech & lo & behold, who is trying to maintain the 6 gorillion holohoax lie where their jew controlled media empire has 0 fucking power? The eternal jew
Anon this IP hopping JIDF kike called wall-e
then proceeded to label many other Anons with the same smear. Ad hominem is all they have left, so I guess this means we are directly over target when exposing kikery.
Resume mission , Anons