>>4012786 pb
obviously reading from ShareBlue manual,
Playing upon the cliche that the anons are basement dwelling losers.
>>4012786 pb
obviously reading from ShareBlue manual,
Playing upon the cliche that the anons are basement dwelling losers.
>>4012650 pb notable
Right Corsi is a turn-coat. Will say anything; that's his job.
>>4012772 pb
yes I think NOTABLE Baker
#4012772 Harvard and Yale call for chemtrails to protect against Global Warming cover-up
"Can't just keep doing the same thing"
Sounds ominous like earlier when she tweeted something. "Do something"
Then there was a FF
They're all up to no good.
Is she a free agent or playing a script?
"at this point What Difference Does it Make"?
Except she's calling out codes for violence?
And then blaming POTUS for that.
Something's been done to the lead female in the Harry Potter franchaise, too
Or she was picked for insider status.
She dresses up now like a total Domanatrix.
The Dawkins fellow is involved with some kind of Eugenics, certainly.
He's a transhumanist, promoter of atheism & a nihilist - who's been culturally promoted and done very little actual good work in his field.
"No thriller or spy novel has ever come close to the tale that is unfolding."
You have to go to science fiction or fantasy fiction to touch such a story as is unfolding.
"WWG1WGA: The greatest communications event in history"
M. Geddes
TV = broadcast, one to many
Advance Internets communication = many to many.
Once it's unleashed, the full freedom of communication; Will it be "all over" for the criminal gangs?
Took hundreds of years for them to develop their techniques which may not work anymore in the new environment?
When the slave masters are gone,
what do we want to achieve?
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