Is that Michele's?
He asked what anons think not what Trump thinks.
Mixed marriages are a bad idea. Would never consider it for myself.
Mixing the races up until there is no diversity just one race is a good thing? How so?
You do realize that CNN and the rest of the MSM promote race mixing quite heavily?
The only reason different races still exist is because of us simple minded morons who find it distasteful or wrong. If everyone was into race mixing then it most certainly wipe out every ethnicity on the planet.
Next thing you'll be calling Israelis racist. Which means you are an anti-semite who wants to kill six million Jews.
You are the one saying Jews are simple minded morons because they outlaw mixed marriages. That's anti-semitic.
So you admit that you think Israelis are simple minded morons. Do you think Jews should race mix until there are no more Jews left?
The reason it's only a small percentage is because of people like me.
Different races not just skin tones.It's not called skin tone mixing.
I don't ridicule them. I don't agree with their choice. It's a bad idea. Despite the constant msm promotion of it as normal most people aren't into race mixing like you are.
Saying I'm a Jew because i don't like mixed marriages is anti-semitic.
Looks like someone trying a huge color revolution.
They fought against the Nazis.