Marriage is good as its with bilateral consent and between an adult male and an adult female. Race has no relevance in it. Biology says so.
The miscegenation laws were obviously intended to preserve the white race, but even after those laws were abolished most people who do marry continue to prefer marry and breed with mates of the same race. Back in the day, the white race was the majority in the USA, Canada, and pretty much all of Europe. This did not suit the UN/NWO agenda so their operatives began to change it with immigration and the introduction of new cultural paradigms—all of which were designed to weaken and destroy the traditional white middle class Christian nuclear family stereotype. We are clearly seeing the results of that now.
Feminism was one of their most successful weapons. It turned a LOT of (white) women into man-hating lesbians who worship self, career, and independence. They view marriage and having kids as cliche and suppresive, and they look for the stupidest of reasons to pick fights with men. This is probably the thing that hit the white race the hardest. Most men who seek a woman to marry don't pursue relationships with such bitches for obvious reasons. Some who don't pay close enough attention to this end up divorced and regretting the whole thing very much. Many younger white dudes these days don't even think about marriage anymore—for all of the above reasons. But what generally happens to any race of people when the males and females stop forming relationships and having children? But that was only part of the UN/NWO agenda.
The sudden push to flood and subvert the culture with homosexuality and transgenderism was also deliberate. They are using Hollywood, the media, and the schools to do it. They are even pushing this stuff on very, very young children who don't even begin to know anything at all about sex and sexuality. And especially white children are being told to hate themselves and to give way to everybody else.
What happens to an entire generation of young white people are are constantly being demoralized, discouraged, disparaged, encouraged to abandon God and instead chase after the globalist, Islamofascist multiculturalist bullshit ideal? Will these become stable parents of healthy kids in the future? I doubt it. I saw it happening in Europe years ago. Young white people serial date for years into middle age. Most never marry or have any children, and now their numbers are declining.
But this isn't really just about white people. Its about Western culture on the whole. All of us are our are being slowly replaced by people from elsewhere, and we are being told that we must change our culture and embrace theirs.
The sad thing is that most people are so brainwashed that they can't see any of this.