Anonymous ID: 1070ab Nov. 24, 2018, 9:50 a.m. No.4014252   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4011154 (pb)

But the (((Nazis))) didn't lose you absolute fucking retard. Wannabe Anon.

Who the fuck founded NATO? Nazi SS design.

Who the fuck founded the Alphabet Agencies in America?

Who the fuck were brought here to "build the lie" for NASA?

Where does the illuminati lead you?

Where does Pedowood lead you?

The Goddamn KIKES!


I swear..the absolute fucking state of qresearch.

Everything points to the jews! Quick stop ALL research or be called a racist just like the liberals love doing!

Fucking fake ass normies infiltrating the chans to push your kumbayanigger shit. Take your asses back to kikebook.