The Wisdom of Q
Think for yourself.
Research for yourself.
Trust yourself.
There is no bigger threat to 'them' than the public being awake and thinking for themselves.
The following piece written by Ivan Illich helps explain why Q's words above resonate so strongly with something "within" me as a sovereign human being.
"Much suffering has always been man-made: history is the record of enslavement and exploitation.
It tells of war, and of the pillage, famine, and pestilence which come in its wake.
War between commonwealths and classes has so far been the main planned agency of man-made misery.
Thus, man is the only animal whose evolution has been conditioned by adaptation on two fronts.
If he did not succumb to the elements, he had to cope with use and abuse by others of his kind.
He replaced instincts by character and culture, to be capable of this struggle on two frontiers.
A third frontier of possible doom has been recognized since Homer; but common mortals were considered immune to its threat.
Nemesis, the Greek name for the awe which loomed from this third direction, was the fate of a few heroes who had fallen prey to the envy of the gods.
The common man grew up and perished in a struggle with Nature and neighbor.
Only the élite would challenge the thresholds set by Nature for man.
Prometheus was not Everyman, but a deviant.
Driven by Pleonexia, or radical greed, he trespassed the boundaries of the human condition.
In hubris or measureless presumption, he brought fire from heaven, and thereby brought Nemesis on himself.
He was put into irons on a Caucasian rock.
A vulture preys at his innards, and heartlessly healing gods keep him alive by regrafting his liver each night.
The encounter with Nemesis made the classical hero an immortal reminder of inescapable cosmic retaliation.
He becomes a subject for epic tragedy, but certainly not a model for everyday aspiration.
Now Nemesis has become endemic; it is the backlash of progress.
Paradoxically, it has spread as far and as wide as the franchise, schooling, mechanical acceleration, and medical care.
Everyman has fallen prey to the envy of the gods.
If the species is to survive it can do so only by learning to cope with this third threat [the élite].
That society which can reduce professional intervention to the minimum will provide the best conditions for health.
The greater the potential for autonomous adaptation to self and to others and to the environment, the less management of adaptation will be needed or tolerated.
*This excerpt came from an article originally published in the Lancet in 1974 by Ivan Illich and adapted from his classic book Medical Nemesis
[words in brackets are mine]