Chapter 22, Revelations.
The whole thing; absolutely amazing.
So many bombs dropped.
So many BEAUTIFUL reality-destroying nukes.
Angels = Prophets = ET/Superhuman Race, who adhere to the OG Christian doctrines (that which came prior to the Judaic corruption)
Molochite Women & {{those who are enslaved to them}} – those reliant on "love magic" – bitches, witches, whores, idols – will be REMOVED FROM CIVILIZATION
Christ, the Creator, is also the Destroyer of Evil – aka "Lucifer" – and is NOT }}OUR{{ Enemy
"Injustice" — the Masonic/Qaballic "Pillars of Severity & Mercy" — must first be & will be undone for the all of the above to transpire.
"Judgement" is ultimately based on what one Creates around them — {{slick-talking fucktards}} have zero chance & KNOW it
Implication: modern "Christianity" focuses on the sacrifice of God's Son on Earth, for the benefit of Molochite Women; this is how & why we are kept enslaved to them; we accept it.
Once we have had "enough", and like Sampson, collapse the Twin Towers of Bullshit, the promised future will arrive almost immediately.
REAL Christians are FOOLS to focus on anything other than this last section of the Bible. The sacrifice of CHRIST must be looked upon with a burning "never again" intensity that exceeds what the Joobs perpetrate for their Holohaux. MEN WILL NOT BE SACRIFICED FOR {{THEM}}, FOR NO REASON, EVER.