Anonymous ID: a3df32 Nov. 24, 2018, 10:13 a.m. No.4014463   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4481

>>4014088 (PB)

When Q said that we're watching a movie he meant exactly that. It took me a while to wrap my mind around what that actually means. A movie is unreality. Everything one sees and hears on the screen is completely made up, but it looks very real.


That is the way much of the world is. Few things are really what they appear to be. When you have a man strung up by the balls you can get him to do and say anything—just like an actor in a movie. Actors don't do what they want to do, they do what the director tells them to do. It seems to me that many, if not all of these politicians and business people are so dirty that they know they're facing prison if they don't conform to the way things are set up to play out. Some were offered deals, others were not. Also, it appears that not everyone who was offered a deal took it. The back and forth and other BS that we are seeing is the resulting conflict from Deep State actors (who were not offered a deal) putting up a last ditch fight before shit downs down.


Then before you know it, the movie is near the end, and the good guy—who seemed for a while to be losing, makes a comeback, kills the bad guy, and gets the girl.


What makes a good movie? A really good script.


People who appear to be enemies are really secretly working together for their mutual benefit. And, don't the bad guys in every movie always seem to be winning until near the very end? Soros has gone as far as he can go. Q posted things about him that make me suspect he will simply be neutralized and put down like NoName.

Anonymous ID: a3df32 Nov. 24, 2018, 10:33 a.m. No.4014680   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A long time ago, when Europe was populated mostly by Europeans, it used to be a relatively safe place to live, visit, work, etc… What has happened to many of the cities there is directly related to mass migration of uncivilized Third World animals. They all know it but the fascist governments in Europe and the EU don't even allow people who live there to say this out loud. If you do you will be quickly arrested and fined or even jailed. Meanwhile the migrants who gang-rape 9 year old white girls roam the streets free.


Cultural diversity… LOLOL…

Anonymous ID: a3df32 Nov. 24, 2018, 10:49 a.m. No.4014810   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Was just reading this. They are not going to stay in Mexico. Asylum cases take a very long time to process.


I do not understand why POTUS bothers to play games with these judges with this asylum stuff. Claiming asylum is not a right that anyone is entitled to. Which, and how many refugees come into the country is determined by the State Department according to administrative policy and at the discretion of the President. All that he has to do to end this is declare that, for national security reasons, the number of refugees to be allowed in is now zero and will remain zero indefinitely. No more asylum bullshit.