Anonymous ID: d2de5c Nov. 24, 2018, 10:06 a.m. No.4014395   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4416 >>4437 >>4926

>>4014143 lb


You are WAY OFF!!!!

The motto Ordo Ab Chao is from the 33rd degree of Scottish Rite Masonry. It is analogous to Lux E Tenebris, and is even alluded to by Fiat Lux.


Order from Chaos

Light out of Darkness

Let there be Light.


Remember that these are worshippers of Lucifer. Some of these mottos seem like a good thing, for instance the dawning of the light. But they have a specific meaning to that, and Ordo Ab Chao says that hidden meaning more explicitly.


Ordo Ab Chao means that the Masters of Chaos (Hell or Illusion) become the Masters of Order (Heaven on Earth).


In the Bible in Exodus, we read that God gave man DOMINION over the earth. We are the masters of the earth. And those of us who are awake, also realize that the Earth, physical reality, is CHAOS. We do indeed live in HELL right now. This world is the ILLUSION that Plato wrote about in the Allegory of the Cave. When we die, we will be reborn right back here in Hell until we move beyond that.


But the top level of the Cabal, does not want to leave HELL. They want to stay here and create their idea of HEAVEN ON EARTH. And that idea, is ORDER. This is why they are trying to replace wombs with technology that will clone MALES directly, because they have no need of women just for sex. This is why they are trying to make Quantum Computers to hold consciousness, so they can incarnate into machines. It will be more ORDERLY.


This is the goal of TECHNOCRACY, which is their Nihilist World Order. The will use SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT to run everything. It will all be done for maximum efficiency. Only one world government, a SCIENTIFIC GOVERNMENT will be needed. This is far worse than Communism or Socialism as they have been DECEPTIVELY selling to the masses of sheep.


This is EVIL, a very DEEP EVIL. You really need to EXPAND YOUR THINKING to see it.