>>4014345 (lb)
>Freddie being himself?
RIP the identity of whoever that pool cue holder is.
>Imagine the frustration.
An anon brought up an interesting (to me, ymmv) set of observations:
Memes are literally a visual representation of the spirit of the times.
The reason why good memes work, is because they strike a visceral chord that transcends words.
And the reason they have power is because those visceral chords have the ring of Truth.
That is also why the left can't meme, or even wrap their heads around why memes work.
The act of making a good meme would red pill them. Literally.
>What is organic here?
Certainly not your pasta. That shit's moldy and stale.
You post the same shit every bread.
> I don't copy and paste anything, as you, in fact, know perfectly well.
So now you're projecting and lying?
Whatever bruh.