Sather is a sun worshipper.
Definitely a smart strategy.
Got dat rite
kys ebot slime
This is probably why you're really here. kys
A few months back he said not to take Q seriously. It's on his Twitter. Chaff is necessary.
Go look for the video where he says the opposite: that the chemtrails are a "symptom of the ascension". The guy is bought and paid.
Bro, you can do the 1:1:1:1 from AJ to Wilcock.
Follow my lead.
David Wilcock :
Jimmy Church (f2b) :
John Rappaport (f2b & infowhores) :
Alex Jones
f2b = fade-to-black (Jimmy Church's gig)
You can also do a 1:1 with him to Crank2CrankAM, a Masonic disinfo outlet.
fuk off
I know exactly what he (and you) are pushing. It is exactly the same as Gnostic Freemason Illuminati NWO Golden Age Luciferian trash.
Everything he says he gets from his handlers or is regurgitated intel from here. He does nothing original. That's his MO.
Even his opinion about chemtrails blocking DNA-altering sunlight comes from (((Laura Eisenhower))).
Yeah, just giving you some sauce.
got 1 and 2?
You can't prove it, because you know I'm right.
Sure, go to and their youtube channel. That'll get you started.
planet x is the oldest lie these scum have pushed
He was literally lying about quartz crystals not too long ago as a source of free energy on Twitter. The kid should have gone to school. He's clueless.
Ask Q, not Gaetz.
It's 2018 and people still don't know about plasma balls.
What will (((they))) do when this drops?