>>4014893 lb
People are a little too caught up on this doxxing/id thing.
For me, I am not worried about being "outed" - once someone finds my facebook or my other handles, they are all knowingly designed to interconnect and to disseminate information to "my operatives" I have within media and government around the world.
Of course, to most of my friends in real life, I am crazy and slowly losing my mind. But that is also done knowingly.
The thing for me about the whole system of anons is that we are spontaneous and fleeting. Today I post - perhaps it is a good post, perhaps it is terrible. Tomorrow, that good or bad post is no longer attached to what I am posting. Each idea posted can be addressed as it is. It isn't about who we are as identities - it is about the ideas we bring to the table. We can have our retarded days or posts, and our good days/posts without subsequent ideas being judged according to that identity.
That is why there are people looking so hard to try and tie us to identities to then assail. It's not really working, but in order to split the board up, their warfare strategies require identities to make it all work.
Out there, I am an identity who is responsible for my operatives. If I may be dramatic in referring to them. In here, however, we are all just an idea or an observation being raised. Not for a "hive mind" per se, but for each individual reading to incorporate those ideas into their own thought process and evaluate them with a severely diminished ego attached to those ideas.