If Lies Can Start Wars, The Truth Can End Them.
Poasted this last thread…it's kinda old, a screenshot from a coc video (vote with a bullet)
I thought it was kinda pertinent to how both sides are played, one minute we are to think politics are petty, the next? It's LIFE.
I wont spam it no moar after this…btw COC rules
>Puppets have no choice.
Because blackmail? If so…we gotta get to the bottom of that to fix it.
>>4015187 (me)
Basically the end is saying the end won't be for everyone…the choice is yours. Sounds familiar. Q a COC fan? :P
If you can do so, do it. I did last Christmas and it helped our local economy BIGLY.
POTUS is a blessing, everyday I'm feeling blessed he's our POTUS.
Just cause it's small doesn't mean they don't carry luxury…trust.
Just keep in mind sometimes eyebrowls happen. My spouseanon is Irish, eyebrowls, father in law has em too. They're good, no evil there. Look in the eyes as well, see Corsi…his are smug and condescending. His browls are evil.
My rule of thumb is you don't get my DNA unless I've commited a felony. Period…
I know my doc has it…but I am NOT offering it out. My relatives have though. I wonder if this fucks Gen Flynn? His son's DNA planted to trap Gen?
>Which is it?
>I decided already.
Majority of us Patriots will shop local it's just as easy. And worth the extra bux.
Ya seen Eva Bartlett? May as well go for two.
So it matters not if we take the test or not.
I have avoided my blood draw for years now, my dr has given up asking. Probably not wise, I have no idea whats up with my blood at all
His DNA is probably govt known since he was USSS
I'm hoping these Pepe's are hints. I wish the best for our white wizard.
Maybe not actually taking the tests….but getting the company name and it's owner embedded into minds for future news?
>He shouldn't be advocating his listeners to give their DNA to these people.
No..he has some really blind sheep. It annoys me because I'm leery of any dna fuckery. Patriots are going to buy it just you watch….
You see it in action a lot here, I like to call it our mind map.
Now that's interdasting…do tell moar if you want
Recommend any readings?
Many thanks Anon :)
Thank you too. This is just really activating my almonds today…dad was an electrician so this really is interesting for other reasons too :)
Sup N'awlins
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Collective consciousness has had enough now it's on