Anonymous ID: bf39dd Nov. 24, 2018, 12:28 p.m. No.4015734   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5880

(Bread #5103)



This isn't the first time there's been an orchestrated invasion of Europe,

and it looks like the same people were behind it before:


Hope of Israel Ministries (Ecclesia of YEHOVAH):

'''The Race Change in Ancient Italy: Paving the Way for the Roman

Catholic Church!'''


''Why was Simon Magus and his Gnostic teachings so readily accepted

in Rome? Why did the ancient cool tempered and secular minded

Romans come to accept an Oriental and emotional religious teaching,

which was seemingly so foreign to their nature?''


by Dr. Ernest L. Martin


All the textbooks observe this tremendous change of attitude and

temperament in the Roman people between the 3rd century B.C. and

the 3rd century A.D., but few of them treat the question at any length. It

just doesn’t occur to them to find the answer. However, the major

historians now realize what caused this change in temperament! To be

truthful, there was hardly a temperament change (or at best only a

slight one). It wasn’t the temperament that changed — it was the race!

Simon Magus, in going to Rome, came amongst his own type of people

— they were basically Chaldeans, Syrians, Phoenicians, and

Samaritans, with only a very small Latin minority. Italy, by the first

century of our era, was in reality, Shemitic country. The evidence to

support the truth of this assertion is beyond reproof.


The knowledge of this change of race not only helps us in explaining

why the Roman populace accepted Simon Magus, but even more


The Bible states that the Babylon of prophecy is modern Rome. Many

people accept this Biblical indication merely as a symbol, but it is far

from being a symbol, it is literal — actual! Old Babylon was destroyed;

the Chaldeans left Mesopotamia; the land turned into a desert — but

where did these Babylonians go? The records of history show them

today, primarily, in Italy! It is thus important to us that we have this

evidence before us. The evidence is not only interesting from a

historical point of view, but it shows that Bible prophecy is again proved

to be right after all!


This article is intended to place the basic facts of this race change at

our disposal. The evidence comes from some of the world’s most

recognized historians — men who have devoted their whole lives to the

study of Roman History. They have been quoted at length in order that

no one could possibly charge an “out-of-context” evaluation on the

material. It is hoped that the longer quotes (which I feel are important)

will not prove too laborious reading — they are necessary for the

student of history.