Kikes (Jews) are stuck in a perpetual state of reality denial. They are the living lie, unable to speak truth other than their twisted lies. This of course starts with circumcision and is strengthened and perpetuated by mental, physical and sexual abuse. As in physics, when a positive electron meets a negative electron, they cancel eachother out. When you call out the Jew for its lying nature, it will bicker and retaliate (various forms of "Oy Vey!"), but this will only proof the point of the truthspeaker. The truth is the positive, the Jew the negative. Why do you think they hide behind their + symbolism? Because they aspire to be something they can never be: a positive, creating forcing on this world. Jews are the most subversive, undermining and rotten religion to walk this earth. Their presence here has only decreased the liveability on this beautiful planet. Wherever the Jew goes, he leaves a trail of death, destruction and decay. All of the bad things the Jews do, can be easily found in basic spiritual teaching: the negative force is death and destroys.
Ofcourse, the Jew will NEVER say this about themselves: they are enlightened and we simple gentiles should be glad that they lead us. This just shows how deep the Jew denial is of its own, true nature.
Silly goy. Serve your Jew master!
Silly NPC. Serve your Jew master!
Silly kike.